
Sacred Portal 69

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

17 Jan 2021

Oh, one thing first…

Oh, one thing first… Yes, this was Kims33rd Birthday from me. I bought it from Eton- Note- Sacred Portal 69 Kims Tel No code linked to liberty- Kamora. Can you read it and see what is beyond the Full circle star gare via France Eiffel Tower. E T? 12:22 a,m L,V Light Victorious City of Lights Versailles. 12:23 am. L W Laura Walsh ? L A W L W 35 LAW E .Family. C E Consciousness Eternity C E @ […]

13 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

11:45 pm, Infinite Love. I L… 9-12 Serenity and Erabella. S E.. E wriiten by Donna O Sillivan in 2016 letter to me. @ 18 Mountain View. Infinite Love I dare speak the words I love you Without knowing what it means to utter it… To mean it whole heartedly Means I have to first say those words to myself. Until I hear the words, I Love You reverberate. Fill my being. Truth recognized. I AM LOVE. Enracing all IS. […]

23 Sep 2018

8:32 p.m.

8:32 p.m. Amazing.. still not at H.E… 8 3+2= 5.. 8 5.. H E… Which is the code for Response with Recognition and I would not be here posting on Face Book, and definitely not still in a shelter… We of course, have reached 5 already, but just as I stated earlier that I am being used. * Mark Bradbury M.B.. Sent me a message after I do not know how long- and asked me to solve the riddle of […]

26 Feb 2018

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18 Tower Inferno… T.I.. 20 9…. Responding To… R.T.. The WAR… In Fer…( Iron..I Ron… Saun-Ron)….No…! See Sacred Portal 50 and what is written below… I am War!. No More War… Zebulon Ce a Nous.. The Raging Bull, Bule Boil, Bull- Lion Ego Oge… E.O… Eri-c…Oduduwa… Otzs Odu O O 7 I just shared a Table with 17 year old Leo… ( Cliff BossKing Leo)… Bull see the Inanna story and the Minotaur ( Salvan Inna […]

26 Feb 2018

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18 Tower Inferno… T.I.. 20 9…. Responding To… R.T.. The WAR… In Fer…( Iron..I Ron… Saun-Ron)….No…! See Sacred Portal 50 and what is written below… I am War!. No More War… Zebulon Ce a Nous.. The Raging Bull, Bule Boil, Bull- Lion Ego Oge… E.O… Eri-c…Oduduwa… Otzs Odu O O 7 I just shared a Table with 17 year old Leo… ( Cliff BossKing Leo)… Bull see the Inanna story and the Minotaur ( Salvan Inna […]

07 Feb 2018

6:55 p.m.

6:55 p.m. From Angela Dawn…. I am going to have to ask you to BLOCK me from seeing your posts. Your mind play is such a REALITY to me and it makes me feel uneasy…nervous… in some way that IDONOTENJOY. Please spare my feelings for your word play is so addictive that even since unfollowing… I find myself on your page to c. I am forever grateful….???? Sent from Messenger… The Answer Angela Dawn is No. I do not block […]

16 Nov 2016

3:58 p.m.

3:58 p.m. C.E.H… Notice we have moved from 800 Face Book friends, where we stayed at for almost a week or so… And now we are at 798… Which is Sacred Portal Diamond Hearing Now observe the code of the Ten Dollar Bill changed to Q Q G(G.7) Q G.M. 69 98 8 77 4 U F.R.A.N…(35 Is C.E Paul Bed 3005) And M.C 69…98 8 773 A.F.U.R. 6:00 p.m.Edit Please see sacred portal 98… Diamond Hearing… Beautiful Joy on […]

04 May 2016
18 Dec 2015

7:O1 p.m.

7:O1 p.m. G:O.A..7-O-1..G Note (G-Ode Aria-D.N.E) Full Circle complete at 1. 7-1..71..8…87..56..11 1. 12-18-8…L.A.H..H… *La of 6th Sense of 2.H…Two Harmonies T.H. Thantos (Death Sleep..Peaceful Death..his sisters are the bringers of violent death) Hypnos (Hypnotized Spell Sleep..Roma Somnus..Sum Nu’s Sum Nous) Erebose (Land of Darkness Beyond the Rising Sun.. yes, the Beyond as E) Oneiroi (Dreams…One I Roi…One I King)… T.H.E.O…I… Theoi is the name for the Gods in Greek. Which aligns with the on going Race to the End […]