
Sacred Portal 63

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

05 Jun 2019

11:43 p.m

11:43 p.m Sigh.. Chuckle.. S.m.h. A.T M. E.. I was about to make something to eat, Michael Bennett arrived. To make manifest the E Quantum Leap Jump Change Transformation from Death as the End to Beautiful Death Prince of Darkness, Beautiful Transformation based on you enacted embodied truth. ( can lie there when you transform into what you really thought and acted out and expressed from) .. I have to respond to each new Facebook arrival until the alignment of […]

01 Dec 2018

Sacred Portal 63…

Sacred Portal 63… Ophiuchis Aclespius… A O… Kings Temple .. Tipper… K T… K TT… ( 11 20/ 20 11.. Tom Truman.. TT..) Kasien Thompson.. 11-29-1963.. It links to Joseph Byron.. I saw that same blue appear on his own Hair and even told him as we were leaving the House 29.. Stephen Filgueira… J B.. Links to me… He is him but he is also me… J B 007… F C.. First Contact .. Atlantis E.T Landing… with the […]

17 Nov 2017


SACRED PORTAL 63… First Contact… 6 3 F C… At Full Circle…. 9… I…E 9:29 p.m… Full Circle… 9:30 p.m 93… I.C… Robert Mugabe George Bush… both 93… R.M… ROOM… G.B…Green Blue… 4th Color and 5th… 9:31 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here