
Sacred Portal 61

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

29 Dec 2017

From Ugo Nwamama…

From Ugo Nwamama… He reminds me of Nenad M.Djurdjevic in his link to the story… I was writing a comment to Kemi’s I.F ON… E Fire…O Gun man with the Golden Gun Equation of which I found myself recounting how I recall coming into the Story… P..V.I…/ I V P… Of the planet. And how the Planet is actually the 5.O… Call it color Blue and Transparent White Light O…E… Which then gave birth to Red with Blue as the […]

25 Feb 2017

First Contact is with the Infinite Being…

First Contact is with the Infinite Being… And it has been going on right before your very noses… and all the while most of the planet has chosen to Focus on Donald J Trump and their material Comforts…. 3:56 pm.. And that in itself was a Test… Which Wolf would you Feed…? And that in itself was a TDest…o Alert you and Persuade you to the Choose the right focal point of View… I have posted, evidence in every single […]

26 Apr 2015

4:51 P.M.

4:51 P.M. 26-4-8 4-26-8. D:EA…R. A.H. A-Z-D-H… 4 268 D ZH.. Dimension Zeina Hanna Beauty is the Gift of Grace and Favor of the Creator 4th Street Fa 268 is I, Emeka.. The 1-4,5 Dimensions are all E… IV/VI…46/64…67/76.. And now the 68-86 =1-54. I am sitting at 54 2nd Avenue at the Bean Cafe. E.D. Emeka Dimensions… Fifth Dimension. The Play Ends Tonight.. I have worked with the Unseen E line, Unseen but not silent to transform all illusions […]