
Sacred Portal 59

09 Mar 2019


122.. A.V. A Victor Alexander Victorious Code today which came from Source Energy 1222.41… A V B. D.A L V ..D A. L O V E. D A. V I D.. E Black Panther Recall the first few days I arrived where I was placed in Grant Moor Motel where I took a photo of the Black Panther which appeared outside Panera.. I came through this portal with quiet rage of Destruction. This post- the Female Castrati Being is identified […]

07 Nov 2018

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge 4 32 p.m. I was on bed 3-002 at Delta Manor Shelter- 32 Delta means 4. -4 32 hertz I was on bed 4-004-44… 440. I checked the time this morning it was 8:16 p.m, 8-16-1984 is the birthday of Stephen Filgueira. I am meeting Stephen Filgueira today.. at 4:30 p.m 43 is the sacred portal Door of E Life… ( He is late..sigh s.m.h) Delta 4.. 8 16…D H P… 20.. D H P T… Tz […]

23 Oct 2018
16 Aug 2018

Facebook Post..

1.22 a.m. A.V. Only Manifestation is Left.. I completed my part of the Bargain .. I have proven the Mission Impossible in this set up and Labyrinth Maze Challenege. I have have proven the supremacy of the Eternals and thier presence and Existence. Have you been following the News? The Humanity is Insane.. But the World, Nature.. Existence Universe.. the Hueman Being and the Human Body is in perfect Harmony… Humanity is a Lie.. Hue Man Being.. Beautiful Truth… H.U..Mann […]

17 Jul 2018

Still at 1159…

Still at 1159… I represents the Eternal E… The God Particle… This is not my play. this is the play and Script and Mess of Ages of the one I call my Son Evolved to my Brother Sister in the Eternal Realm My Father Brother HE, and His twin Aspect S.H E.. See sacred portal 73… ( E.T) and 37 Lady Sophia O Lauren… represent the play called TIME… / E M I T… That is why I keep on […]

12 Jul 2018

8:58 p.m.

8:58 p.m. 7-12-2018. @ 1159 Facebook Friends. I am fed up.. Fed up with this play, this Script and having to go through this process over and over again of passing through a Script i which I am used as an example to obedience of the Eternal Laws- to inspire others, who simply take advantage of it. Humanity has to evolve, and I am so sick of this script trying to bring me down or trip me up, by creating […]

28 May 2018

6:32 pm,

6:32 pm, From Elaine Benedic. E.B… Yes the Billy Hung play yesterday… Popes Benedict… John Paul ..Benedict Francis… She has 131 Facebook.. I noted that I was at 131 text messages with Billy yesterday and now at 153…. ZTE Phone… ETZ Phone Home… ETZ is a Chinese Company and was on the News Paper on the 26th th with Donald Trump… Meanwhile I was on the computer day before yesterday and yesterday 26th and 27th in a play where with […]

10 May 2018

2:15 p.m.

2:15 p.m. B O… 5-1O- 20 18..(38 11) U E..21 5 (26 8) E A O… T R U E… C H I ( 38 11 2 11 =1 ) K B K A… C E…. H I… Evolution Awakening Full Circle in Perfect Symmtery of Perfect Timing… is True. Transparent Refletions Understanding Existence Consciousness Harmony is Infinite Beautiful Awareness… C.E.. Cain Eden Harmony.. Billy came after Cain Eden who represents me as C.E, as my second 1133 Face Book […]

09 Mar 2018

8:59 a.m…

8:59 a.m… 9:00 a.m. 3-9-20 18… * I noticed that Aiden Bartok my latest Facebook friend has 59 facebook friends. It was a number which kept appearing yesterday as I made my way to Starbucks. It represents Sacred Portal 59 which represents the End of the Story, the Last and Final book of life which is the Book of Filth and Self Hatred- and the departure of the Last guardians and protectors from this realm, leaving it at last to […]

05 Feb 2018

6:22 p.m.

6:22 p.m. F.V. F 5…F E… 6 5… 6 5/ 5 6.. 11 2… 11 1… 2-5-2018…. B.E…T R… Hello… I wondered, quietly to myself as I made my way here today, why I was being called here today- to Starbucks. B.E…T R.U.E. Most will call, ( at least those paying attention to the day to day facts which I have been posting while weaving into Existence an Unseen Play, into Human Awareness- by simply demonstrating how One weaves things […]