
Sacred Portal 58

18 May 2019
19 Apr 2019

From. Pamela Stefaniotis

From. Pamela Stefaniotis 10:11 ..12 p.m Happy Birthday my cool and loyal and intelligent Facebook Friend.. Must be at least 5 6 years. Today is Dharma Santana D.S You and Andrey Klebanov. Are the only ones whose birthday is Today. A.P.. P A. John called out on our way back from Trader Joe’s. T J John Thomas Sacred Portal 21 4-21-2019 is Easter Sunday. D U T S /S T U D … Viriile Manly Man. See the meaning of […]

10 Apr 2019

Jesus Isabelle IlicIsabelle!

Jesus Isabelle IlicIsabelle! Your on a roll. See sacred portal 58 Link E 8 Andrey Klebanov who has returned from New Mexico which is the 47th State. Link Thomas Lang 4-7-1985 58 is Sacred Portal Spirited Away home the correct way on a Unicorn Pegasus U.P! With Father Son and Spirit of E the Unicorn Aka Beautiful Pride. I met Isabelle on Facebook through the play of Ohm Ohn.. J Ohm J Ohn. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

06 Oct 2018

One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed…

One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed and many don’t get it. Its about time this energy balanced up. There is many things and religion being another one being exposed. GOVERNMENTS and their industries are being exposed, and of them being health… Listen and listen GOOD. The PURGE is now.The cleansing is NOW. High Vibration is the new Sherrif for SAFETY… Suzanna Maria Emmanuel… Via Dzidula Offiong.. D.O. 4 15… …Smh… Why am […]

30 May 2018

7:22 p.m.

7:22 p.m. G.V. There were a series of Cars in front of me as I sat in front of Taylor Ave. one.. 7:27 p.m. ( yes code of the Giants and Titans whom you call Elementals or the First Primary Principles of Physical matter which make up the Equation and dynamics of Physical Reality… Universe Creation.. such as Gravity, Matter, and the Chemicals…) Today I just noted them, why… I did not know or seek to know why. but I […]

25 Jan 2018

Stephanie Frayne S.F…

Stephanie Frayne S.F… Sol Fa…. Stephen Filgueira …. S.F. Sol Fa… 5th 4th Note… 5 4… E.D… 4+5=9.. I… E D I…./ I D E…. April 30th 1985 by 9:45 pm. I believe I was tampered with as a child as my Mom keeps mum a lot about my childhood. I see 11:11’s to 5:55 often. A certain hand takes me into the deep forest to teach me about herbs and their clinical uses. This happens in my dream state […]

29 Aug 2017

5:46 p.m.

5:46 p.m. 8-29-1O. Juxtaposition of Time -Date… T.D… Trump Card Donald… Trumps the Wild Card. Animal Rage realm of the Supernatural Expression 6th Sense and Nature G-ode… 5 6 7…. R.O.Y (G) B.I.V…. Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti… B..I.V….RR…( 1818..36..360…9..I.) S..La Ti…( Solar T.E.A…T.A.O) 5 8….46 29….10 11. 58 10-11…C.I. E GA LA XY. Sacred Portal 58….Spirited Away Home the Correct Way… 58 10-11…C.I… Eternal Harmony rep Nasa Galaxy 1101 I.C. This so reminds me of the Let […]

23 Jul 2017
26 Mar 2017

Via Isla Andrews.. I.A…

Via Isla Andrews.. I.A… Steve Prantalo… S.P… Sacred Portal Time 5:08 p.m. Sacred Portal 58… This was posted December 15, 2016… 12-15… 20 16.. L.O…. T…P.. L.O.T…P… P.T…O.L… Orien Laplante ? Code O-Rien… Orient La Plant..E.. La Plan T.E… 5:10 PM, Steve means ‘Crowned with Laurels of Victory Prantalo comes from the name Brand – Norwegian… Old English : Fiery hill English : Marked by fire and Brand Family History. English, Scottish, Scandinavian, North German, and Dutch: from the Germanic […]

31 Jan 2017

From Michael Trahe…

From Michael Trahe… On the background on my way preparing to coming to New York. I had had the music of Grove Armada.. G.A.. as well as Eminem in background.. A.G.E… Crazy huh? The Power of E Harmony and listening hearing the Incredible patterns in Hindsight.. The piece I had written it on I had uploaded it on Face Book.. To The Silence One More Time… TT..S.O..M.T was written in 2001 February…. Eminem Grove Armada… E.G.A… 2001 From Alan Ginsberg […]