
Sacred Portal 57

21 Nov 2018
From David Powers.

From David Powers.

From David Powers. 5:29 p.m. I.am not sure where to even start with the Harmony of this post, so I will just start from where it is anchored. Right here in the present. And the present is linking my own last post, Busayo Alonge posts and my liking it with the thread represented by Stephen Filgueira Anastasia Hart A.H. Rebirth of the Heart. Harmonies Art. Rebirth Erection Regeneration. What I had just woven was that I am now at Connecticut […]

28 Oct 2018
This is Sacred Portal 50….

This is Sacred Portal 50….

This is Sacred Portal 50…. Stephen Filgueira was in Hawaii in the 50th State when he contacted me and in perfect harmony with Fritz Venneiq 40,35 33 USD.. who is in Jamaica Caribbean C AR.. I B B E A N N A..E B B I R A C ..E.. HUEMAN Being… And Roger Attaway.. 25 usd 25 USD 50 is E O… The Play is written on this portal EGO OGE… I represent EGO.. 5 7 O/ 7 5 […]

23 Aug 2018
9:19 a.m.

9:19 a.m.

9:19 a.m. I S. 8-23-2018.. H W ( V V ) T R. Hello… I just wished to make a brief mention of what happened when I did go back to the room to sleep at 3 a.m. It was as quiet as Bliss. The room spelled of Perfume.. P.S… That is the other meaning of the name Ghandi… Origins… Grocer, Chemist.. Perfume…. linked to Joshua… ‘Salavation It means, that I got the equation correct, that I had been manipulated […]

17 Jul 2018
9:19 a.m.

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D…

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D… D.B… I came undercover in my Father’s Story The Yeshua Christ Story to manifest the End of the Human Species by solving my Fathers Brothers Riddle and CODES to bring the End of this Lie. And to do so,I had to pass through his Maze Riddle Of the Sphinx.. R O T S… To Activate that which Rots and decomposes. I am a greater Actor than any of you could ever Imagine, because […]

05 Nov 2017
9:19 a.m.

11:46 p.m.

11:46 p.m. 11-4-10…1O. President Donald Trumps Twitter account was disabled for 11 days… J.D Jonn Delguidce John Dudley J.=10… D= 4.. 101010 represent the Binary system of the Computer and Alogorthim age. 1-9-0 Is the the foundation of the World Economic, Cultural and Financial ( and Moral) system. 1-7-8 is the Spectrum of Color Wave Lengths *Many of the sounds we associate with white noise are actually pink noise, or brown, or green, or blue. In audio engineering, there’s a […]

07 Sep 2017
9:19 a.m.

1011 Face Book Friends,,,

1011 Face Book Friends,,, 6:45 p.m. Galaxy 1011 I.C…. E Galaxy 1011….C.I…E.. Code Jennifer Kaufmann Hartmann… J.K…H… 10 11 8… 8 is the Code for Infinity Harmony…. In the Universal Simulation Awareness Script Of My Father-Son Harmony-Brother-Lover Unity Erie Chukwu… Franco Ik, Emi Nnamdi…..( U.S.A..S. O.M.F.S.H.B.L.U.E..C.F I.E..N…….) .. the Two in One.. my past now with his Own I.D..and Self Embodied. Life And Death.. L.A.N.D.D… L.A.N.D….E….I….I..R.M…A.H… Called the Every Thing.. E.T… Code Oboom! Boom Micheal Richard.. M.R… 5-20-73… *Just saw […]

02 Sep 2017
9:19 a.m.

2:55 p.m.

2:55 p.m. B.E.E. Code Peace Bee…. 9-2-….1 O… I link this to 1992…. 25 years ago… Y. Last night I completed a code of DIABETES…. Which was the intel I received through the Avatar Doctor Udin. I knew it was not coming from the E, but rather the Africa World.. UWA…Worlds Forest People. I also received a message from the E, after I signed a contract of a Rite of Passage with the E.T…Extra Terrestrials -Terracotta They Lived Before Adam… […]

30 Mar 2017
9:19 a.m.


THE TRUE STORY OF PI… Pi is the 16th letter in the Greek Alphabet… 16 Divided by Two is 8… Two Harmonies… 16 Is the Letter P… Planet Earth is 2 (8)… Land and Water… Two Harmonies of Land Fact…. Water- Flow… Particle and Wave, Solid and Liquid The Twins… The Human Body is made up of 73% Water… The Human Being is the merging of the Particle and Wave. The Merging of the Twins.. AH-Tom….1 8 Twins/ Mot. 3:45 […]

10 Mar 2017
9:19 a.m.

James Diamond Bond. J.D.B

James Diamond Bond. J.D.B Mission Five… M.5…M.E I’m Possible… I.P man E.Tom Cruise… A.H.Two,Twins E Penelope Cruse.. E.P.C… Energy Pure Concentrate Concrete Cement.. Mr and Mrs Smith… Alexander Hephaestus Aphrodite… Hello, When I could not find my American Spirit Burgundy Tobacco at the Shop Night and Day… I knew something was up. The Stick of the Conductor of the Symphony of Nature was the challenge, I suspected that I was in since 2014… Despite having already conquered Nature while living […]

05 Jan 2017
6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m. Contd… There is a man who has lived in and out of the Shelter System for 15 years…! He Sees… He calls me Professor… He Knows nothing about me… We have never had a conversation… He began calling me this months ago.. and a few days ago, took decided to tell me why… You have that air about you… Larry.. Lawrence the one who noticed my Harmony and when he heard I was writing about Harmony, said that […]