
Sacred Portal 49

15 Sep 2020

3:31 p.m.

3:31 p.m. 9-15-2020. I O TT..O I… I O.N.E…T.W O… The Two as the One I. When I went out after posting yesterday..and the play… I did not need to buy anything really, and my body felt like bat wings… confirming to me that the transformation was imminent. But I felt a desperate will and desire to get out of the house no matter the truly insane way I was moving down the street- literally like an alien or an […]

25 Jun 2020

1:09 a.m

1:09 a.m Just as I signed off on this Desk top after the last post. I saw the Interface Galatic Score board Emeka at 13 Liberty Liscomb at 49. M. Sacred Portal 49. A C. D I. E 01:11 a.m Ah its done I can rest And finally eat today. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

23 Jun 2020

Who planted The Seed Of Doubt.

Who planted The Seed Of Doubt. Which grew to be the greatest evil and threat to Ecistencce itself. The Seed which grew from indescion, but was really turned out to be a weapon. 16:34 p.m 4:34 p.m 6-23-2020 Battery at 49. Message delivered to Liberty C Liscomb completed at 11:49 am. Sacred Portal 49. 6-23-2020. F W TT. F Double V. At 14 79 Facebook Friends 14 Evolution of Consciousness 79 Blue Print of Existence. I woke up, so twisted […]

14 Jun 2020

8:49 p.m

8:49 p.m Harmony Sacred Portal 49 Fork in the road. Northern Lights Nome Alaska. The 4th Kind 9:09 p.m I have been sequestered in my room. I could not see Arden, despite the In Synch of our Harmony making the Self Evident obvious. 9:11 p.m But since yesterday and the 12th his 17th birthday, I realized that from the moment of my arrival I have been in battle, a battle which took all my focus and attention, which turned out […]

19 Oct 2019

2:33 a.m

2:33 a.m B C C. 10-19-2019. J S. T S. J T. S.S.. Hello. Its very late, and I spent over 8 hours at work and conversing with Liberty C Liscomb. My body as you know, is and has been set to transform, marking the final proof of Manifest Evidence of Universal Evolution through twin portals Evolution and Extinction See sacred portals 104 and 48. I have a response to todays play through a play which took place linled to […]

10 Oct 2019

12:49 p.m

12:49 p.m From Heather Dowling H.D. 48 Sacred Portal Beautiful Death. As Transformation. 12:49 p.m. Liberty C Liscomb this should answer your questuon as to what is going on with me, and why I am so irrirated by this play. Saw this the moment I came down stairs. And there will be True Hell to pay, for using this power of an illusion on me still to get what they want from me. No matter the Cost. 49th State Two […]

18 Sep 2019

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock.

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock. 12:12 p.m L.L. 9-17- 2019. I.Q. T S… Code reflected here by Liberty C Liscomb L.L. As well as I.Q. code of her home portal. I am passing through a Embodied Reflection of what I am and orginally represent. Her own alignment is based on if she is aligned to the meaning of her name in E code. L L. 24. E M F * I met Liberty through Esteban Miguel Filgueira […]

13 Jul 2019
06 Jul 2019

8:09 p.m

8:09 p.m From Abrahan Diego Ruiz Sosa A D R S… After Death Rainbow Spectrum play… And pass the Eyes of the One Beings who is 3, Gaze Sacred Portal 49 A Death Ray… Seven Headed Ray Cathoid Ray Ray McTell Leathal Ray The test if tell the Truth And have nothing to Hide And that your Clean The test after death which determine if you will be allowed to Rise I was using a Bear blanket from Benjamin before […]

28 Apr 2019

3.41 p.m

3.41 p.m C D.A. 4-28-2019. D B H. T.S Hello… I have a new Facebook Friend who was meant to be the 1250, Facebook Friend, but instead transformed to 1248 my 1248 Facebook Friend. As most of you are aware, I have only disgust and contempt for This Script and this 7.4 Facebook Play. It has been unfair to me personally, that even 29 years later, that I am still forced by The Script to live with others, and depend […]