
Sacred Portal 47

12 Sep 2017

From Kelly Goodrow Goodrow

From Kelly Goodrow Goodrow Code K. G. G 11 7 7 Link Kevin G Gordon D O B 7-28 Mine 11-28 Linked with DEE at the Shelter Delta 4 Her daughter. D O B 7-28 11-7= 4. 4-28 + 7- 28 11 56 11 11. Lisa Natalie Johnson Emeka’s Ellie’s 4-1111 v Hence 11 28. 11 10- 10 11. 111 11 28 28. 11 11. 3 -1 4-1 3 4. C D 4-28 was done by me Not my sister […]

02 Sep 2017

2:55 p.m.

2:55 p.m. B.E.E. Code Peace Bee…. 9-2-….1 O… I link this to 1992…. 25 years ago… Y. Last night I completed a code of DIABETES…. Which was the intel I received through the Avatar Doctor Udin. I knew it was not coming from the E, but rather the Africa World.. UWA…Worlds Forest People. I also received a message from the E, after I signed a contract of a Rite of Passage with the E.T…Extra Terrestrials -Terracotta They Lived Before Adam… […]

21 Aug 2017

5:47 p.m.

5:47 p.m. E-D.G…11 28…. K..A-A B.H… 8-21-37…10..1 O.. H-U-C.G… H.U.J… H.U.A.O… 21-8-1 O…. U.H.A.O. THIS IS FOR THE FUTURE. I write this post, as I have written most of my post during the last 5.5 years, to the Future Present in you. Todays Date is the Code… H.U… And we have experienced the Total Eclipse… And I have already received the private response acknowledging that it was the Challenge of the Elementals- Titans Elves Fairies… E.F…5 6… Expression of Sixth […]

30 Mar 2017


THE TRUE STORY OF PI… Pi is the 16th letter in the Greek Alphabet… 16 Divided by Two is 8… Two Harmonies… 16 Is the Letter P… Planet Earth is 2 (8)… Land and Water… Two Harmonies of Land Fact…. Water- Flow… Particle and Wave, Solid and Liquid The Twins… The Human Body is made up of 73% Water… The Human Being is the merging of the Particle and Wave. The Merging of the Twins.. AH-Tom….1 8 Twins/ Mot. 3:45 […]

05 Jan 2017

6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m. Contd… There is a man who has lived in and out of the Shelter System for 15 years…! He Sees… He calls me Professor… He Knows nothing about me… We have never had a conversation… He began calling me this months ago.. and a few days ago, took decided to tell me why… You have that air about you… Larry.. Lawrence the one who noticed my Harmony and when he heard I was writing about Harmony, said that […]

06 Nov 2016
15 Aug 2016

From Michael Prunty…M.P.

From Michael Prunty…M.P. Nice Shirt… And astounding Harmony. Code A.H. Tom True Man. 10:00 p.m. Awareness Harmony Twins T.W.O True Men.. Harry S Truman 33rd. 33..CC…6…F..9..I. See my Page 2011. A True Conversation between AHTom Energy… M.P. … M=13…1+3=4.D. P=16..1+6=7..G. 47… Erik Ebright…11 28… Code 347… E.B.T…code today.. 347. Energies Beautiful Truth. See sacred portal 34..7..C.D…Grace. 3..C… 47…11 28. C Sacred Portal 47… Linked to Erik Ebright…K-47. African Shirt. Boom Boom…! My brother born 5-20-73… E.T..G.C..E. 37 yrs old March […]

26 May 2016

2:05 p.m

2:05 p.m B.O.E… 26-5-9… Z-E.I… Zei Means Wolf in Hebrew.. 5-26-9… E.Z.I…. Ezi is an O.INri Igbo world meaning Genuine..Swine (Pig)…or Good… It also means Compound-Homestead… Truth is called Ezi Okwu…. Home or the way of Truth… Ezi is also means King in Igbo.. and Help in Hebrew… Wolf and Help in Hebrew… To Bring home the Genuine, the Good back to the Homestead… The Pigs… Why is it that this code reminds me of the Three Little Pigs and […]

14 May 2016

10:19 p.m.

10:19 p.m. There is something wrong with this play.. I am being worked to Death and Exhaustion… I have not had a break in 4 years.. and today it has been non stop correspondence through texts as I am posting.. Each text adding to the equation.. And I am sitting in Cafe, with no place to go after 15 years…of this… I just got a message from Fritz Venneiq.. F.V…Favour..F= 6 .. Saturn.. the 6th planet… Favor…then I saw Phavour […]

05 Apr 2016

This is the most extraordinary thing…

This is the most extraordinary thing… Igbo Creation Story… Let me explain, Nikoma Rios once saw me as a gorillia, a Blue E.T and a 19 year old Golden youth. But first here is a Quote from this interview.. …He however gave a brief, revealing that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was almost right, in the sense that God made man from monkeys and Himself. He stated: Even though I may not say much now, I will explain some things […]