
Sacred Portal 47

15 Apr 2019

From Tree SageTree

From Tree SageTree 6:47 p.m right now Hence the Sacred Portal 47 The Furnace Last chance Those who are only inspired by Rage and Pain.. Fire before they can let go… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

14 Apr 2019

1:34 p.m

1:34 p.m From Marty Kyle. M.K… Line of the Ultra Sound Angel Warrior Energies of Beautiful Rage A W E. O B R. O thers at Arms. Angels of Death with a Thought Sent in that direction. Yes my 12 47 Facebook Friend See sacred portal 47 Angels of Rage and Desteuctiion Ghost Riders Alien Wizards Energy… Beautiful Demons My line ! John Mack are you seeing this? The Motorcycle Ha! Hell Fire and Hell Has finally entered this realm […]

22 Feb 2019

From Gerald Mack

From Gerald Mack John Mack All in the Family.. MacDonald. Toxic stuff is just Bull Shit, Shitty Expression which a temporary black hole was formed as an idea in the collective consciousness to flush a unnatural species out of Existence. 12:50 p.m Sacred Portal 47 Original Facebook Post: Click Here

02 Jan 2019

From Haris Babic H B… Harmonious Being…

From Haris Babic H B… Harmonious Being… I have literally observed this in Haris along with an Intelligence and Humanity which I did not wish to believe any more after such a play. He is one of the most brilliant people I have met and in his articulation of the Script and Play… He did his homework… His brother is the one whose birth year is H A! 9:29 p.m… My heart welled up on our first meeting and all […]

21 Nov 2018

This is sacred portal 13.

This is sacred portal 13. 12+1=13. This represents the concept of Manipulation. Using others, especially ones children, to manifest an Agenda which could be pure- say revenge for an injustice, or to help save the Human Race.. all by casting a spell on them. 11:22 a.m ( So we all know now, to whom I am addressing- the principle which went too far… 11 22 is my Mother Cecilia and her male version David) And a spell can be cast […]

20 Sep 2018

From Abygale Moon A.M.

From Abygale Moon A.M. Let’s see if I can solve this Riddle… Heavenly Host… Muliplicity Esoteric Singularity Made To Be Opposite. Jung Symbols of Transformation. H H… M. E.S M T B O Yes, It is riddle… You may ask amd wonder why and how I know…. First was my expression with Roger and the code Wendy Anne Powers… and her Daughter Abigail… Code R A W…/W A R.. She is 12… And then the code Grapes of Wrath… Kyle […]

17 Jul 2018

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D…

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D… D.B… I came undercover in my Father’s Story The Yeshua Christ Story to manifest the End of the Human Species by solving my Fathers Brothers Riddle and CODES to bring the End of this Lie. And to do so,I had to pass through his Maze Riddle Of the Sphinx.. R O T S… To Activate that which Rots and decomposes. I am a greater Actor than any of you could ever Imagine, because […]

22 Jan 2018

8:54 p.m.

8:54 p.m. Cover of U S A TODAY… 1-22-2018. Forces of Chaos, Of Change. By David Waters….Memphis Tennessee. 1968 The Year which transformed a Nation. Let us strive, then to, inaugurate the year of grace nineteen hundred and sixty eight- the year of faith transformed to hope- by praying for peace- said Pope Paul VI said in a New Years Message to the world Grant us Peace! There was nothing peaceful about 1968… 68 was a war. From your lips […]

12 Jan 2018

6:53 p.m.

6:53 p.m. 7Hello… Joseph Carey J.C. Allen Murray.. Obumneme… my youngest brother. First letters of their names forms an code and informs. J.A…O. C. M.K. J.C… A.M… O.K. My Brother was born…. 5-20-1973. E.T…S.G.C…. Extra Terrestrial South Georgia Cee… Eternal Truth Supreme G-ode of Creation This alludes to South Caro J.A.O… J=10…1=A. 0 is O.. 10=1 O. I have solved this riddle, proven that the Zero 0 does not exist. and that 0 is really the Full Circle. I also […]

12 Jan 2018

Phantom Thread… P.T..

Phantom Thread… P.T.. There is a Phantom of the Opera… Yes I use Opera…. Reynolds Wood Cock… Daniel Day Lewis… D D.L. 44 12. Preseident Trump calls Haiti and other African Countries Shit Holes- A shit hole is a place to defeacte.. to dump.. a Toilet. Starbucks bathroom code 77 45 O. My Last Coffee 6 77…. See sacred portal 77.. Loki. Low Key.. Norwegian Richard whom Joseph Carey knew and met.. through me who spotted him at a cafe […]