
Sacred Portal 39

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

13 Sep 2020

5:11 p.m.

5:11 p.m. E K. E A-A. 9-13-2020. I M TT. I Manifest the Portal and Gate Way Sacred Portal 39/ 93. Hello… Evolution Awakening is about to manifest Any Moment…right now. 5:56 p.m 5:58 p.m. I am doing it Alone in Human form but with the Aid of my Family who were rising through you, and has been whittled down from the perhaps thousands, of people I was led to meet and interact over the course of this life of […]

22 Mar 2019

2:22 p.m

2:22 p.m 3-22-2019. B.V. C V T S. Being Victorious Being of the 5th Dimension. Curriculum Vitae The Script. C E T S. . Consciousness Extra Terrestrial Supreme. Hello.. I am not sure exactly how many times In have stared that which is so obviously demonstrated on my page, That this is not a Human Play or Script. That it is a Script designed by your Eternal Selves which they have moved all of The Chosen ones- the Potential activated […]

19 Feb 2019

Sacred Portal 39 ( C.I)

Sacred Portal 39 ( C.I) The GATE way of the Twin Towers New Boon! Male Female… M F… = 19…S… Man Woman.. MW…36…C .F… MW87… MW69… Universe.. With the two Seers of Life And Death Destruction.. L.A.D.D..Divine.. Star Wars 39 Years.. Portal out of holographic universe of Fear and into Ga la X Y..Z..C.I..1O 11 X..T.E.N… The Portals are Star Dust and Adam.. People are the Portal their love for you or seeing you and you seeing them clearly Truth […]

29 Aug 2018

From Arinze Umeano.

From Arinze Umeano. 12;59 a.m.. First thing I saw when I opened up my Facebook page. Seems appropriate to add to the Script of Records of the Awareness of this Being a Script before the Dawn strikes Ceeee! 1:01 p.m. Sacred Portal 39 Confirmed. Dee Marie. D.M. Chris Inabnitt. C.I. A.M. Delta ( Quadrant) J.Le G. End.. End of the Era of God. Entrance into the Consciousness Era of Expression Divine… and of De-Vine of Dionysus… ‘Joie De Vivre ) […]

28 Aug 2018

This sacred portal 39..

This sacred portal 39.. Now linked from Isabelle Ilic to Chris Inabnitt C.I. Through Dawn Piercy… And finally me.. Emeka Kolo… I C D…E… Which completed the cycle of 1993 when I reached the portal of Origins at age 25/6 and was made to return for 25 more years… 50 51… ( 52 In Illusion) My Last Facebook friend is Animesh Bhattcherjee A B. And I have only been able to afford coffee at the Arab Bodega on the junction […]

26 Aug 2018

Flip it… Edward Eceinco said in comment to my post.

Flip it… Edward Eceinco said in comment to my post. and Dee Marie liked it. E E D M. I am at Delta Manor and the portal which we seem to be stuck on is 55… The Back. Spinal Chord 31 vertbebra/ M.D.E.E… There is a young woman here called Dee who works here. The Truth is, I do not have much patience for these riddles any longer. I know we, or I am at the gate way Represented by […]

28 Mar 2017

10:08 PM

10:08 pm Nur means Light I knew a man, I loved him because I knew him At least his Espirit Line of my Bio Father he and the mother of his child Coco Were the the models I used in Sacred Portal 39 … Yes, Pi P I Peter Ibemneme. 10:11 pm He told me how it was extraordinary that my bio Father was still following after me… And that the Beings in me were joyous He was from Beirut, […]