
Sacred Portal 33

17 Jan 2018

9:19 AM

9:19 am. I S. ( Ah look at that… the two people first to like my last past are Ish Kumarr and Susanta Nayak I.S K.N…..iD, IS 11 14 ..25…Y..Nnamdi Kolo S.I…Yes.. it also refers to the two i noted as Sacred Portal 148, 149..who challenged me the new Lady Harmony N.H, Natures Harmonyand Alien Father Alphawho played the roles I first incarnated. You can see them both as the tormentors in sacred portal 94.) Kemi Sara posted on my […]

12 Jan 2018

6:53 p.m.

6:53 p.m. 7Hello… Joseph Carey J.C. Allen Murray.. Obumneme… my youngest brother. First letters of their names forms an code and informs. J.A…O. C. M.K. J.C… A.M… O.K. My Brother was born…. 5-20-1973. E.T…S.G.C…. Extra Terrestrial South Georgia Cee… Eternal Truth Supreme G-ode of Creation This alludes to South Caro J.A.O… J=10…1=A. 0 is O.. 10=1 O. I have solved this riddle, proven that the Zero 0 does not exist. and that 0 is really the Full Circle. I also […]

05 Jan 2018

8:48 p.m.

8:48 p.m. Fully Ready for This Moment New York Times… 1-5-20 18… 2O 18… 2O 9…29 11…2 1… Joseph Carey’s last text to me was at 2:01 p.m. 21… 3-21-2001… 8:41 p.m a man told me as I stood outside… Harmony D.A… Moving through Allen Murray… I wondered why the young man was moved to tell me the time.. But I knew why in the higher play… Allen Murray A.M had given me the code yesterday of 58 26 41… […]

24 Dec 2017


Well…. 6 49…! At 1004 Facebook Friends… Sacred Portal Existential Death.. Death Ray… I am sitiing here having heard the expression of 4 people Enoch addressing Stevan of bed 4-002.. S to E And then the expression of Dominic Edwin to Micheal Martinez… E to M…. S.E E M…Correct Code… S.E.E…ME…. 11:22 p.m 11-22- 47.. 11-22-68…. 11 11 22 22 47 68…. 11 11 22 22 46/64 78/87… See Me cut you out of Existence what the 4 represent as […]

03 Nov 2017

11:05 p.m.

11:05 p.m. K.O.E. 11-3-10….1O K-C-J… A.O. Hello.. That is the code of what this post is meant to be about.. ….I have no idea what I am going to write, nor do I have any desire to write, but a series of events seamlessly linked to bring me to the computer Screen in Delta Manor… … So, I noticed that there were 3 likes which appeared as I opened my Page and read the comment of Anthony Bienke, Left Right […]

27 Jul 2017
01 Jul 2017

2:33-4 pm

2:33-4 pm B C C – B C D 7-1- 1 O Hello, I am not very surprised that the moment, I have finally decided to take the action necessary forwards, and out of this place that it would fall on American Independence Day. ( A I D… Yes.) But then yesterday, I illustrated the reality I have been aware of, and living in for the past 25 yrs.. And the 16 in New York in which I described how […]

03 Jun 2017

There are 88 icons on my Lab Top, bought by Jon Delguidce for me for 200 U.S.D… ( You might Recall)

There are 88 icons on my Lab Top, bought by Jon Delguidce for me for 200 U.S.D… ( You might Recall) J.D. And 22 in my icon of my phone… 88 was the last number of Total Face Book Friends.. 990 was the peak and I must have stopped at 88 about 7-8, times ( I can no longer to be bothered to check), 990 was Twice… See the sacred Portals, Outing out of the Human Race, the Factor of […]

25 May 2017