
Sacred Portal 28

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

31 Jan 2021

Facebook Post..

12:31 a.m. Ah, the date is now, 1-31-2021. This is sacred portal 28. M A N. Victor Victorious Victory. Victoria. Anus Su.Na. Arrival of the Victorious Energy. E! V V V V A .S. A O T.V. E E An-Ten-na. Kristna Krishnna. Redah Radar. and the Eternal Knight and Angelic Hermes. Mercurial Dawn. AR AT K K R R. AT E K A A H M D ( Manifest Destint. M D= 13 4= 17. Q. A,G) Meaning of Mercurial, […]

30 Jan 2021

Facebook Post..

5:00 p.m. 1-30-2021. A-C.O T.B.A. Hello. At 1544 Facebook friend. 15 =O. 44 = DD. O.DD man out. 6 8. 1+5+4+4=14. N-A.D. There is no doubt that for me, ( and perhaps for those sensitive and aware) but most of all for me, this life I have lived and the role which I have personally had to play: proving the existence and truth of being of the Eternal line present, as well as Eternal Guide Father, and Father-Mother. through such […]

11 Oct 2020

Since it will made into many films and each of the E family and then the E Naturals will make their own versions and books from this Blue Print – interactive play.

Since it will made into many films and each of the E family and then the E Naturals will make their own versions and books from this Blue Print – interactive play. I find myself not able to withhold the Joy of the play .. not share the beautiful news of Terrible Deaths play and letting that Ray -Degree Line pass through… by proving to the C Supreme C S .. that there is something in the perfect symmetry of […]

19 Nov 2019

3:14 p.m

3:14 p.m C.N.. Pi Consciousness Naturalness 3:58 p.m C E H There was a pause. 11-19-2019. K S T S.. 11 is Full Consciousness in Symmetrical Perfection. Hello, Sarah Kaizer is S.K. / K.S. Anstasia B, Liberty C Liscomb friend came over today. She had begun braiding her short Caucasian hair in streams of braids in the spectrum of rainbow colors. It looked quite eccentric and cool. Yes, you may have referenced my post and play yesterday with Liberty. I […]

22 Jul 2019

From Efrinda Daming Farah E A F….

From Efrinda Daming Farah E A F…. E F… 56… E AF has 142 Facebook Friends… 14 2 N B… Same see as Tree Sage who also saw a Fire Truck during a 5.O Play during a car accident he was in… Anthony Mercado had 26 56 Facebook Friends at the time of my posting his share… B F E F… Eternal Family.. Z E F… CODE in D.O.B… 7-15… 2004…. 7-15… GO… 24…. E GO 2004… 24.. X… See […]

29 May 2019

1:01 p.m

1:01 p.m A O A Alpha Omega Alpha. 5-29-2019.. E B.I T. S.. E A-Z ( 26 +3) A B C. T S Quantum Leap Jump.. Victorious From 219 217. South Whitney Esteban Miguel Filgueira McKayla Rays Emeka Kolo E M E.. Kim Arthur Hines K A H. E M E. Tree Sage E.T John Mack to Jesse Macias 1:11 p.m J M J M J J. M.M. 10 10 .. 20. 2. B M M. 13 13. 26. Z […]

22 May 2019

From Memphis Charlie

From Memphis Charlie Did I just post this from A.I Aurisee Isolde. Merrick Luck M.L. And now Memphis Charlie M.C A I M. L M C. ..E E C. M.e L. M A I. Inca Aztec Mayan MA I MAY 22 E V. Expression Victorious E lines Landed From the 5th Dimension Here Victiriously. See sacred Portal 28 E J M.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

05 Sep 2017

From Milla McDowell M M/

From Milla McDowell M M/ Sigh… And I am her 28th…. 72… 28… See sacred portal 28… 11 28… 39… C.I… 12…L… and 3..C..Cecilia…Chukwuemeka… Cecil B. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

02 Mar 2017

The MET Needs to Connect Art to Life

The MET Needs to Connect Art to Life Its Director is leaving.. Now is the time to revive the place. Holland Cotter.. H.C… 83 (83 69) Art New York Times 3-2-2017. Thou Art… A.R.T. Trayson…Which means Three.. Three Sons… And a Girl… Alexander Narcissus/Neptune, Eri-David… Nnonyelum Ifunanya… N.I… E.N.I… A.N.E.D…A.N.D.E.N..I I.N. E…D.N.A. Holland… An English surname for someone from the various places in England named Holland (Old English meaning ridgeland.) Or a surname for someone form the Netherlands, in which […]