
Sacred Portal 26

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

27 Jun 2020
22:26 p.m

22:26 p.m

22:26 p.m V Sacred Portal 26. See the Two Orbs jouned? 22:27 p.m Victorious 27. A-A. The 27 27 ..54. Beads. And here is the 24 and 25th Lavender Orbs. L O. Victorious Expression L O V E. 22 45 V Planet Earth V 54. V E. D / D.. E V. I 22:29 p.m Victorious A Man Original Facebook Post: Click Here

01 Nov 2018
22:26 p.m

1:21 a.m.

1:21 a.m. 11-1-2018.. I do no have much I wish to add… Though I have so much more intel, and data on what is going on. But I have said it all before so many times that it has become my torment and torture, posting. -Struggling between my exhaustion of 17 years 7 months and 11 days… of posting explaining, over and oer again while literaly decoding and deciphering an unexpected play of riddles and a battle beyond belief with […]

25 Oct 2018
23 Aug 2018
22:26 p.m

9:19 a.m.

9:19 a.m. I S. 8-23-2018.. H W ( V V ) T R. Hello… I just wished to make a brief mention of what happened when I did go back to the room to sleep at 3 a.m. It was as quiet as Bliss. The room spelled of Perfume.. P.S… That is the other meaning of the name Ghandi… Origins… Grocer, Chemist.. Perfume…. linked to Joshua… ‘Salavation It means, that I got the equation correct, that I had been manipulated […]

23 Jun 2018
From Kasper Lomholdt Serup

From Kasper Lomholdt Serup

From Kasper Lomholdt Serup perfect … Hersey Gossip. / P I.. SS * See sacred portal the two Beings representing the Two sides of the Isosceles Triangle – are pissing in sacred portal 45 P is Perfection/ Plan-E..T/ Planet…Truth =Transparency… O.G… Y E S… R E… H…Harmony… P.Y.. Planet is the Y… Tongue of the Serpent Dragon Z Portal… H G.. 8 7… MW87.. Milky Way Classification code by NASA… Yes Kyle Murphy he is the one I was speaking […]

28 Feb 2018
07 Feb 2018
22:26 p.m

12:14 a.m.

12:14 a.m. L N… I had such a beautiful story to tell the World.. such a extraordinary Beautiful True Story- with all the Evidence and Facts of how you too, could rise to be The Creator… A Creator…. not the way you say it here, like a catch phrase, but literally… Create reality from the illusion of Nothingness. That is what All the Species was scheduled to Evolve to. Some one had to show you- and I was elected to […]

20 Oct 2017
22:26 p.m

Brittany Mightbe

Brittany Mightbe Lamin Adan Jadama… B.M. L.A. J. Hello…. The Equation and play of course, was meant to be over once all three of my Machinesshut down at the same time. i am using Leo, the 17th year old computer because i had to send a message to Lisa Natalie Johnson, another set up about the code 20… and yes today is the 20th. And Lisa Natalie Johnson just arrived in a perfection of harmony, but i already knew what […]

20 Jun 2017
22:26 p.m

8:11 p.m.

8:11 p.m. This is a Dream which was Transformed into a Nightmare…. a Nightmare of the E.N.D… But the code was never E.N.D… It was D.N.E…. Dream Nothingness/ Naturalness Expression Evolution – Eternity…. D.N.E. S..A.O…H…A… That is it…. INCEPTION… I spoke about this so many times and proved it even to the man who came to me years ago, while I was sitting outside 80 Spring Street Balthazar, and spoke in a higher frequency about this being Inception… And once […]