
Sacred Portal 22

17 Jul 2020
05 Aug 2019

Sacred Portal 22…. 22 USD…

Sacred Portal 22…. 22 USD… The Brown Owl.. The Golden Owl…. Sacred Portal 22… Narcissus Adonai Adonis… N.A A. I am AGE.. My Victorious One and Only I Agedi.. Ass hole Anus Wreck Tummy First and Last Alpha and Omega The True One First Cock of the Awakening NZTF. E 5:45 p.m, 6:27 pm… Cock Balls…John Thomas…Mound of Venus… Mercury Delivers the Message from the Eternal Realm..Expression.. Energies Source… 6:28 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

10 Mar 2018

On the 26th Day.. A-Z..

On the 26th Day.. A-Z.. It reaches the 1 Billion Mark… 9’Zero’s.. 9=I… Only 5 others.. including Iron Man… ( Wisdom John, Iron John… Ororo) 521 Million in America.. Second only to Captain America… 521.. E.U… 20 18… T R..U.E… In the name od the Rose…Umberto Echo… U.E. Ryan Coogler… Director… R.C.. Royal Child Meaning of the name Anubis… R= 18… C=3… 21… U… A.R.C….A=1.. 22.. Everywhere, I have been seeing the number 22… On my page of likes, on […]

02 Jan 2018

From Ish Kumarr.. I.K.

From Ish Kumarr.. I.K. There is a reason I shared this picture… Sadanandam Krishnakumar… Abel De Yeshua Yeshua…. S.A.. He releases that story from its Agony… I passed through the portal of the Krshna movement first in 2005 where I suggested to Axel Love Anderson.. A-A.. To house me there which he did.. Sponsoring my stay there before moving me to 17th Street… Then Marianne moving me to Hells Kitchen… And did so again but releasing the Georges-Philippe Roc from […]

10 Mar 2017

From Michaël Trahé

From Michaël Trahé I am The Being of the Violet Fire! I am the Purity God Desires To the Line of Nenad M. Djurdjevic Yes… V- 22… Calgary 22.. Time 22.. Sacred Portal 22… And 1 22… Double V… V.V.i.e. This was Posted 7 hours ago… 7 links the play of Violent… I link the Purple.. Yolanda Bakwena, Yolanda Houston Palma and the VV… Nenad the Victory of the People Nikolas Nikolas Tesla… Tess La!… Test is La! Sixth Sense… […]

25 Jul 2015

Facebook Post..

Excellent Intel Lord Nenad… As you may recall for the last few months it has been all about finding the Portal out of the Matrix of this world and into the realm of E.. The Portal is of course representative of the Game Theory being a Fact. Thus, we are in a literal play of Movie to find the Lost Way. A la Indiana Jones. The Portal out of this Universe is through the Woods… Pelham Park Kieth meaning of […]