
Sacred Portal 20

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

20 Jun 2012

One last thing…what I find myself proving is that human beings are literally magnets…

6/20/12  4:55pm One last thing…what I find myself proving is that human beings are literally magnets which, when cleansed and purified, can raise the electro magnetic frequency of their hearts to override the pulse and frequency of the systems of man, and even that of nature. They can become magnetic, energized and, using the laws of true mutual attraction, literally drawing forth any and all the resources they require to expand upon the idea of creation…receiving from both the system […]

09 Jun 2012

Beauty has responded!

6/9/12 5:41pm News Flash and Update! Beauty has responded! 123… ABC in Alpha- bet city New York! I received a response today, to my quiet, private plea and prayer to Beauty after I took a walk around New York city. I was almost overwhelmed after the response of me (and my family’s) lifetime efforts to prove Beauty, at how everyone and everywhere there seemed only the drive for money, the rush, rush, hush! hush!… “Get it together, keep it together,” […]

19 May 2012

Professor Catherine Acholonu’s findings on the link above.. the Igbo, NRI, and Egpyt…

5/19/12 https://www.academia.edu/33417363/Egypian_Sacred_and_Religious_Lexicon_Its_Ancient_Igbo_Foundations_and_Implications_for_Egyptology Professor Catherine Acholonu’s findings on the link above.. the Igbo, NRI, and Egpyt and about before Adam walked the earth. She is currently short-listed for the noble prize in literature… perhaps you will read her. I had never heard of her or anyone else out there coming to the same conclusion historically. My findings go to memory of existence before matter and even vibration (motion) but I think this will do. I would rather wish to outline out […]