
Sacred Portal 17

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

07 Nov 2020


0:9:22. O I V 11-7-2020 K G. A-A G. Hello. At last, the long prolonged play is over.. There is no where else to go to, no portal left after 64 moves and a chess game.. And the literal Queens Gambit, one last stance. Q is Quantum. Confirmed by the play which took place with Tree Sage confirmed as the last portal of a truly taxing play of endurance. Yesterday it was about the Hi Point and the Harmony established […]

08 Sep 2019

Andrew Bartiz

Andrew Bartiz A.B Mike E.. M.E. A.H These are three people whom Liberty C Liscomb has been reading and quoting as we have conversed today. The one constant has been Andrew Bartiz. A B Mike E. And his Theorey of Everything.. M.E she brought up today and even brought a file and photocopied his intel and the time and date was 9-8-19… 9:17 a.m. M.E. all these are here codes right to 9:17 ( I Q ) the code of […]