
Sacred Portal 16

04 Oct 2017

Sacred Portal 16….

Sacred Portal 16…. All One years ago… The Original date of this is July 19…. 7 19… G.S… Gopal Samal… Recall the meaning….Krshna the Play Full Mischeivious One the Dark Blue One…. is the SYMBOL of the Rows and Rows of Swans… Graceful Transformation of the Ugly Ducklings… ( Humans) to the Beautiful Ones…. 5:11 p.m. E.K… 5+11= 16….P… 55….E E…. 5 5 16… A.F…Saw Jose A Roq…. He was in Room 5B..Bed 5 -016…. E.O…P… Is Me is it […]

13 Jun 2017


Hello…. The last of the Money code play ends with Elizabeth Clarizio…. It was never about the amount- but about what each person could afford… That in itself became the Truth Serum… T.S… It is the correct code… Please see sacred portal 20.. It is lady E.C.H.O… Time is 7;53 p.m…. G. E.C… G is God… the True God in the Feminine Form and Her name is Harmony… I am E… and E is Harmony but a New Ark and […]

12 Apr 2017

I noticed that Michaël Trahé now accepted approx the 10th Time has thistime and the last time… 91 Face Book Friend..

I noticed that Michaël Trahé now accepted approx the 10th Time has thistime and the last time… 91 Face Book Friend.. 91 is A.I. Artificial Intelligence/ Versus Original Intelligence.. O.I. I.O… Natural Intelligence .. N.I…I.N..E * Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka… I.N..E Ife-Nna Nna.. Nna Emeka Eze-U.F.O ( Unified Field OH!) Represented by Nenad M. Djurdjevic…and I. Nnaemeka’s experience was with the Supernatural… Not Science Fiction… And because if the code today he sent me, is why I am here posting the […]

09 Apr 2016

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic Brilliant intel moved by the E Consciousness within The Planted Seed in all Humanity. Meaning of Saintirana.. Investigating Consciousness… I.C 14 Functions.. 14=N.. Naturalness 1+4=5..E… I.C.N… I.C.E…Same Thing O.N.E… S.t.o.n.e…R…I.D..G.E (4 75/ 57 4..D Do-nna) Santirana [aka: Santira?a] First definition: Santirana is made up of san which means well and tirana which means appropriately investigating. So santirana citta is a consciousness that looks into the object of sampaticchana to work out what it is. 3 description(s) […]