
Sacred Portal 16

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

30 Jan 2021

Facebook Post..

5:00 p.m. 1-30-2021. A-C.O T.B.A. Hello. At 1544 Facebook friend. 15 =O. 44 = DD. O.DD man out. 6 8. 1+5+4+4=14. N-A.D. There is no doubt that for me, ( and perhaps for those sensitive and aware) but most of all for me, this life I have lived and the role which I have personally had to play: proving the existence and truth of being of the Eternal line present, as well as Eternal Guide Father, and Father-Mother. through such […]

27 Jan 2021

Yes, obviously you can see i am happy…

Yes, obviously you can see i am happy… Code Alex Sierra. A S. Peak This is sacred portal 16. and next sacred portal 15. 16. 15…/ 1-1 5 6 P O. A F AO… A F-A F Why not? I am in a Jolly Temper. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

15 Jan 2021

Sacred portal 16

Sacred portal 16 7:55 pm. the 16 year old at the PEAK of Perfection is behind the alien Mother peering over her shoulder she Scorpion Queen. He Scor-e p-ion King He faces the correct direction 7:56 pm Original Facebook Post: Click Here

13 Nov 2020

From Kelly Preto

From Kelly Preto K P Kelly sent me this at 08:31 Hundred Hours right now this morning. I did not read it until right now after spending the 31 usd in my wallet. 7.45 usd. 9.22 usd. 10 cent bag. 16.87 usd See sacred portal 16 and 87. Solar Flash. S F Solid Fact Feelings Sensational 25 25 1 50 51 E A Area 51 Sacred Portal 51 Sex God of Creation Baphomet Beauty Esteban passed by. Now please see […]

26 Oct 2020

18:23 Hundred Hours right now

18:23 Hundred Hours right now 5:23 p.m This was sent to me by Tree Sage at 17:11 p.m 5:11 p.m See how he is standing The right view of M H 22. M H V 13.8. Billion years old Universe Milky Way. MW 69 See his tel 69. 8 0 22. H M V is the correct view. I was wanting to go outside since he left.. And waiting for this image which only came after I finished completed Liberty […]

22 Jul 2018

1160 Facebook Friends…

1160 Facebook Friends… 9:14 p.m. I N. 7-22- 2018… G V.. T R.. U E Ah!!!! It is too much… I just finished linking a play of Alexandra Oswald and Vaïhéré Cardonnet / Victoriia Alhena… A O… Double V… V V C A.. It is not their fault because the script has involved you all as Avatar Descendants and gave you the rights of the E.. Eternal Originals to chose… Free Will and Choice to Consciously link with the Eternals […]

22 Jul 2018

From Awawa Kalu Agwu

From Awawa Kalu Agwu A.K.A. I wish to make a bried coment about the Money Play and How People and the Satan’ Character who was really Alien Father- ( Dark Matter as a Conscious Intelligence) set things up to create an illusion of Lack – Material Lack to demonstrate and reveal the Truth of People. In the Novel by Daniel Brown- The Lost Symbol- in Noetics- the Science there was a moment in the Novel when Katherine Solomon ( Link […]

09 Apr 2018

1,111 Face Book Friends…

1,111 Face Book Friends… That was the number which appeared on my page today 1 1 11. My new Facebook friend is Kate Rene… K.R… 11 18… 29… and Doppelgangers 11, or II of 18… 18 18… On my way here I saw the code 6983 on a license plate. That is the code which Erik Ebright from Miami which he planted on my computer. I just sent a message to Dawn Piercy at which with her usual grace despite […]

11 Oct 2017

A Broader Stage For Love

A Broader Stage For Love Taylor Stanley and Daniel Applebaum in Justin Pecks The Time Are Racing. -For the New City Ballet 12:04 p.m. 10-11-10 Its About Time. Perfect Timing Symmetrical Perfection. Harmony. Proven activated by an Example chosen selected to Activate, Explain and Demonstrate it, publicly transparently naturally with out awareness ( Blind) until gradually seeing by growing conscious and aware of what He ( I ) am doing by going through the prcoess. Basically, used as his own […]