
Sacred Portal 155

11 Oct 2017

A Broader Stage For Love

A Broader Stage For Love Taylor Stanley and Daniel Applebaum in Justin Pecks The Time Are Racing. -For the New City Ballet 12:04 p.m. 10-11-10 Its About Time. Perfect Timing Symmetrical Perfection. Harmony. Proven activated by an Example chosen selected to Activate, Explain and Demonstrate it, publicly transparently naturally with out awareness ( Blind) until gradually seeing by growing conscious and aware of what He ( I ) am doing by going through the prcoess. Basically, used as his own […]

16 Jun 2017

3:43 p.m.

3:43 p.m. C-D.C. Full Circle…. A Question of Power activated. 6-16-1 O….1 8….P. A O..A.H Free People Alpha Omega… 16-6-1 O…1 8 .. P.F. A O….A.H…People Freed Alpha Omega to AH…Awareness Harmony… 989 Face Book Friends. Hello… Shane Michael Robinson Sr. contacted me today at 11:58 a.m. Responding to my text, and my reading of the last equation which ends this play. It was strange, I almost wept, when I saw his message, What do you need? It was not […]

26 Jan 2017

From Sherry Merritt Sherbear… S.M.S…

From Sherry Merritt Sherbear… S.M.S… Sacred Portal 155…. I noticed that Sherry has three Face Book friends in common with me.. And I am still reeling by having linked after trying twice to know who is linked to Traishon meaning 3 or Betrayal It means 3… Which is what Nenad just confirmed by his vision of the 3 fold Transfiguration he witnessed two nights ago which he will post is elaboration so you the readers for now but especially the […]

15 Jan 2016

From Kelly Hanna

From Kelly Hanna Oh this is too groovy… Austin Powers…Gold Member The David Bowie Concert..? T.D.B.C… The Beloved BOW of the I.E. Festival Contact F.C..6+3..9..=I First Contact with 69=15=O…F Of the 5th Kind… The Boogie Celebration of the E line OF E Rose, The Evolution Party of the Ascension of The Beautiful Ones…. Linked to the Cee, of the Harmonious ones.. David Bowie..Alan Rickman D..B.A.R… Divine Bar… Cut Off Mark of those representatives of the Sum Total of all the […]

27 Jul 2015
15 Jul 2015

12:39 p.m

12:39 p.m Code 12 is letter L… 1 2..3 L..AH BE CE… 39 is C.I. I am seen and my truest expression articulated in the cleanest expression of the Human Beings Consciousness of this world. Yesterday, Micheal texted me the desire to help me with even housing, the way he asked… I saw the time I responded to him and it was 8:O7 a m. 87 is Sacred portal is returning the World to its senses and Sensie’s… Micheal had […]

25 May 2012

I just wanted to say something rather personal…

5/25/12 Hello… I just wanted to say something rather personal. I do not think many who know me will be aware of the significance of the document written my Professor Catherine Acholonu above, and many will not even read it, but to me it is a vindication of a journey that took me away from every one I loved and cared for… It took me away from the naughty boy life I had planned, and onto a mysterious road that […]