
Sacred Portal 15

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

26 Jan 2021

1:50 a.m.

1:50 a.m. 1-26-2021. I just noticed that I have moved from 15 45 Facebook friends ( rep sacred portal 15 as the Full Circle and 45 Sacred portal 45 and the 4th and 5th note Blue-Green. I am now at 15 43 Facebook friends, representing the Full Circle O the Door of Life. A E- D C. This is in perfect harmony As well as my discovery that the series Humans is set in Doctor Georges House at 53 Queens […]

17 Jan 2021


Jeron Representing the second aspect of S in his name. J S S L Cookie Monster. aligned with sacred Portal 15 Jolly Green Giant lands in the realm brining Milk and Honey. M A H/ H A M. 12:18 a, yes Kim aligned to Me and A_A as W Brad Pitt. 12:19 am L S… 31 complete. Now one last thing for Jayden and Aurelia. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

05 Jan 2021
11 Oct 2020

Since it will made into many films and each of the E family and then the E Naturals will make their own versions and books from this Blue Print – interactive play.

Since it will made into many films and each of the E family and then the E Naturals will make their own versions and books from this Blue Print – interactive play. I find myself not able to withhold the Joy of the play .. not share the beautiful news of Terrible Deaths play and letting that Ray -Degree Line pass through… by proving to the C Supreme C S .. that there is something in the perfect symmetry of […]

24 Aug 2017

7:15 p.m.

7:15 p.m. Truly it was because of the Short Film Clip which appeared today of Father.. My Brother who Played me.. and Literally played me- this morning, which combined with so Excess Libido Stimulation of Virility… ( Yes Lets Put some Hair on His Chest) that I managed to get up from Bed today. The exhaustion, tiredness in my limbs- Good Grief, -it is not really mine, but I have been forced to focus, stretch and align my body 24/7 […]

23 Aug 2017

8:23 p.m.

8:23 p.m. Date 8-23… Ha! Will you look at that…? The Time and Date of this post are aligned. T.D…. E Trump Donald…. Correct Code not Donald Trump. H.W…. H Double U… H Double V… H.W…5… H.W.E…. Harmony WE… The H.O.W…Has Been Answered. H…A.W.E… Linked to Willow Amaru El Bey… W.A…E.B… E W A..E B. W A V E. B … EWA is an O.I.Nri expression Exclamation of Surprise Ewa, E Be!.. / E.B…A.W.E…. And H ..Harmonious AWE have not […]

19 Feb 2016

12:37 p.m.

12:37 p.m. L.C.G.. Loves Consciousness Grace.. 18/19-2-9 A,H.S…B.I… Code of Ka Haw! Complete.. I B.,, S.H.A!… A.I, S.H.A.. The name Aisha is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Aisha is: Life. Vivaciousness. Living. Prosperous. Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad.’ Aisha is the name the Creation story of the Family of Ten, was dedicated to… 2-18/19-9 B.. A.H,S..I… Being of the manifest Relief of the Victorious People is I B.S..I.. Hello we are back at […]