
Sacred Portal 123

24 Apr 2018

22:53 p.m.

22:53 p.m. V. E C… Victorious Emeka’s Expression of Clarity. The Time now is 11:17-18 p.m. I started this Post on my phone when the only computer at Delta Manor was suddenly made available to my Surprise after I saw the news and felt, I had to at least make you the public aware of a pattern I have been noticing each time I move victoriously through this P W Q B… Particle Wave Quantum Beings. I have left Starbucks, […]

10 Apr 2018

Father’s DECODER…

Father’s DECODER… see yesterday nights post at 1:04 a,m. Sacred Portal 104… Terrible Death.. Com Pass me.. Cloak Of Deaths Expression.. Supreme… C O D E S… The VOID.. The Abyss… None Exist… This is Not my Script… I am have been stating that for years, i am an Actor, in a Script which I have protested the Role given to me from the moment of by birth…. And had run from it ever since I became fully aware of […]

22 Feb 2018


A.H!… P E..T.R U.E…. E T R U T H… E F R E E…. E F R E E D OM… If One Evolved Hue-man can affect Time, Weather and the Full Circle of Existence and Evolve Every-Thing back to the Eternal Realm -Origins of Humanity, through the worst conditions, while fighting the Spirit of Jealousy, the devastating destructive force of Humanity, led by A.I- Artificial Intelligence.. Can you Imagine what an Entire Evolved Species, An Entire Family of […]

07 Feb 2018

6:55 p.m.

6:55 p.m. From Angela Dawn…. I am going to have to ask you to BLOCK me from seeing your posts. Your mind play is such a REALITY to me and it makes me feel uneasy…nervous… in some way that IDONOTENJOY. Please spare my feelings for your word play is so addictive that even since unfollowing… I find myself on your page to c. I am forever grateful….???? Sent from Messenger… The Answer Angela Dawn is No. I do not block […]

10 Aug 2017

5:11 p.m.

5:11 p.m. E.K. Emeka Kolo Victor Chukwu- Emeka O Kolo.. 5:12 E.L. Emeka L.I.S.A… Emeka Brenda… E.B. LES TWINS WON! L.T…T.L…True Love… 12 20/ 20 12… * 5 years ago.. 32 32… ( 64/ 46) 5 5… It means I am the Victor and my Sister Line L.B…Lisa Brenda Lucy Joy… Ojugo Noni… are the Double W…Double V reflection of My Self.. I.E.. Examples in their own right, now. What this really means, is that out of what is the […]

22 Jun 2017
21 Jun 2017

8:38 p.m.

8:38 p.m. 21-6-1 O U F…A..O… I noticed that Heather Hastings H H.. was sharing my posts as I was writing on the sacred Portal 94..His Her cruelty.. and there are 88 likes on my World Icon… Which is strange because it was a 90 a moment ago, and is meant to go up and not down… HIS HER…. H..IS… H ER… H.I..S…H.E..R… R.E..H… S. I.H… R ..E,H…S.I..H … His and Hers denotes a Possession… Man Woman… M.W…. The code […]

16 Jan 2017

The Last Story just completed was a

The Last Story just completed was a Bloody Video Game…. V.I.D.E….O….G.A.M.E… Correct Code: V.I….D.E…..E. G…A.M…E. Anne Marie… April Malone *Read the meaning of Anne…Grace Favors..Child Consciousness G.F.C….76..3.. April Means Open.. *Seven Eleven ..Always Open… O.A./ 511… Original Angel…. Gato Kamaki.. G.K…. / Keith Grant…Bed 53…. E.C Elizabeth Clarizio/ C.E…Bed 35.. ROOM 3… Paul… Age 56..now 57… Marie means Beloved… David means Beloved M.D…Delta Manor….David Dawn… Bed 4017…57… Vide Means Empty..Emptiness in French O.. Oh is the Full Circle… To make […]

07 Oct 2016
16 May 2016

8:07 p.m.

8:07 p.m. 87… H.G…Sacred Portal 87… West Virgina… W.V…A.V. I took a walk on a road called the walk of Champions ( not my idea, it was the nearest road where I could be alone, Morph -stretch- and catch a smoke.) As I walked out I saw the sign A.V with a Ram Bowing…I could read… My brother- Father Nnamdi is a Ram- Aries. I knew who he was bowing too.. My sister lives in Washington- I could hear her […]