
Sacred Portal 123

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

15 Jan 2021

Sacred portal 123

Sacred portal 123 A B C A W L C This was me in that early beginning of time called by some CAVE-e MAN C M e 4/3 and the battle to bring awareness of Infinity in the lie … I am Early Man E M. Cave Man. Father of Infinity. F O I Moher of Infinity M O I Prometheus Lucifer. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

29 Jun 2020

1:23 hrs.

1:23 hrs. Sacred Portal 123. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

13 Dec 2019

11:13 a.m

11:13 a.m K.M .A-A-A C. 12-13-2019. L.M. T S. A B. A C The Script. A.B.C’S of Nature. Entering The Circle. E.T C.. Hello. I thought about the Dream Arden had last the night before, as I stood on Liberty C Liscomb terrace. I could see the two blobs, he had spoken about , one blob pouring into the other, I knew what it was. Ying Yang .. 96 69… He said that it was his job, to keep pouring […]

09 Jul 2019

Sacred Portal 124.

Sacred Portal 124. 12 4.. L D Lifes Death.. Played out with Alexa Vertefeuille her Highest Espirit and I today .. Code 12 4.. Do you see the Cosmic Black Panther in the back ground…? I .E. have no interest in those who do not learn through Love and Desires But only through the power to bring them Pain and Suffering.. Give them what they asked for… Extinction …through true suffering savagery and violence… 11 22 p.m. Mother of Dragons […]

25 Jun 2019

Facebook Post..

10:41 p.m And Finally.. Who The Cap Fits Let Them Wear It O. W T. C F L T. W. I. . V V. 5 5. 8. 9; F.E. N R I. E 10:43 p.m I am not Nice I am a Gentle Man Warrior Lord and Prince I am who I am. And I love being true to my Nature In Joy or Rage. Peace – War Creation Destruction Same Thing. In Both there is a Point A Reason.. […]

23 Mar 2019

Sacred Portal 123

Sacred Portal 123 Birth of Infinity Consciousness in the Begining of Time and the Warrior of Eternity who brought that consciousness into this world I C Infinite Continum 9 333333333333333333. E.T C.. I A.M.. E It reads Transparency Supremacy Rocket Fuel. T S R F. / F R. 6 18. ( 666. 18. P E N. IS) 18 6… 24. T S. Tree Sage Sarah Kaizer. 6 18 T.L E Thomas Lang Liberty C Liscomb T L ..E Emeka Kolo […]

22 Mar 2019

8:52 p.m

8:52 p.m 3-22-2019. H. E.B C V…T S.. It’s easy to read. I don’t have to spell it out. I.was challenged once again as the A.Supreme Intelligence Alpha of the True Birth of Existence Creation That the First Line to Rise were and are the apex of Intelligence and defeated the Artificial Intelligence and I.Q of all that which came after Real False.. That took place on the 19th as well as continuing in 3 days to C V today […]

01 Dec 2018

At 1194… Facebook Friends…

At 1194… Facebook Friends… Solierys Rosario S R… Spectre.. Spectrum Rainbow… And I.D… At Jeff Sullivan.. J E.F F… UN SULLIED.. I VAN… J S.. J O S.. J O SH U A… By Water… Joseph Byron… J B.. J B… J F… Jake…Jay.. Jimmi Hebdrix… 6 Jays.. add 3.. Jake the Dog, Jake at The Collection 1996… Flip J Hendrixs… 6 3…. J=10… 90… 10 BY 10… 100… 1 O O.. 1 2 O’S… 1 2 66… 1 2 […]

01 Jun 2018

A Play Not Human….

A Play Not Human…. 12:45 p.m. Sacred Portal 45 Throne of Existence 1161 Facebook Friends. Today right now it is 6-1-2018…. 11 61… 2018….( sigh why do I have to put up with this? ) Yesterday, Theo who works here aligned with Randall Michael Wiltz which formed the equation T R and E… represented by me.. *Tre Shawn was the person in the bed I am currently in but it was called bed 4-019, I was in bed 4-016…. I […]