
Sacred Portal 120

26 Apr 2019

5:17 p.m

5:17 p.m 4-26-2019 E.Q D B F. T S E Quabtum Equation Answered B.Y E.A -A E.K Doing Being ( 42) =Fact Truth Supreme. 5:19 p.m right now E.S Emeka Stephen Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira S E.M F Splendor E.M.F Sarah Kaizer Majesty and Splendor. Ian Stewart John Mack I.S I S M.M. Marie Mckayla M.M 58 85 13 13 26 B F F B 8. 8 H Harmony Infinity H.I He-brew Is-real Witnessed that I as Indiviality Snowflake I […]

12 Oct 2018

9:22 a.m.AME AM cA

9:22 a.m.AME AM cA 10-12-2018 I V. J L… T R/ B R 10+12= 22 I V. V B R O…. I know what Love IS… This was never about Love… I stated this over and it is about Truth. And to be True and thus a representation of the Eternal Truth you must be conscious. To be Conscious is to Cee… And to Cee, Be Conscious of Expression is to me in perfect alignment, in perfect timing with C- […]

06 Oct 2018

One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed…

One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed and many don’t get it. Its about time this energy balanced up. There is many things and religion being another one being exposed. GOVERNMENTS and their industries are being exposed, and of them being health… Listen and listen GOOD. The PURGE is now.The cleansing is NOW. High Vibration is the new Sherrif for SAFETY… Suzanna Maria Emmanuel… Via Dzidula Offiong.. D.O. 4 15… …Smh… Why am […]

19 Jun 2018

11 68 Face Book Friends…

11 68 Face Book Friends… My first coffee at the Arab Bodega was 79… Sacred Portal Blue Print of Existence… My Coffee at Starbucks is 68… Billy Hung has left the play as is should be… 18 Year old Henri is here H E..NRI.. He flashed me a great smile and then went and sat with George… H B… He is wearing the same color orange which I am wearing around my wrist.. 1169… Nnamdi.. Emeka… 11 68… Cecilia Onuabuchi… […]

15 Mar 2018

From Nuala Evans N.E.

From Nuala Evans N.E. Flower of Life on Earth The Convergence and Meeting of Land and Sea… L.S.. Rock Sea. R.S.. Natures Expression… NN-A.M- D.I. N. E.-M.E K.A N=14…1+4=5… E.. Merge the two 14+5= 19..S.( Nineteen S.N.. Sha-Ron Nickel ) 10 = TEN… The Elegant Nomad. 1O.. A O… A Brief pause here, A O… Anthony Otta…. Whom I call Igbo Anthony, who I usually sit besides at Delta Manor in the T.V Room, who puts on the movies which […]

05 Jan 2017

6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m. Contd… There is a man who has lived in and out of the Shelter System for 15 years…! He Sees… He calls me Professor… He Knows nothing about me… We have never had a conversation… He began calling me this months ago.. and a few days ago, took decided to tell me why… You have that air about you… Larry.. Lawrence the one who noticed my Harmony and when he heard I was writing about Harmony, said that […]

08 Nov 2016

5:55 P.M.

5:55 P.M. E.E.E 11-8-9… A-AH..I… K.H.I…Kolo Harmony Infinity…. Round Circle… its an ORB!… A Signal in the Sky over the home of the Samurai Ninja line of Day And Night… (D.A.N…I..E.L..BROWN… Da Vinci… Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… Da Enlightens…Da Invinci Codes.. Invisible Invicinable… 8-11-9…. 8-1-9… HA.I. H.A! I. Hai! 6:00 p.m. Ascended Master.. Please Be at Ease…. It is done… I would now like to address you who lurk in the Shadows Graceful Swift Spirits of the Dark Knight my beloved […]

09 May 2016


Date… 5-9-2016..36…9…E..I.T..P.C..I. E, IT P.C..I../ I…C..P.T..I.E I Cee the Point of Exemplification Who am I talking to….? 8:40 p.m.. H.D.O…Haun Delguidce-Harmony Do-NNa…84… See the year of my birth listed on Face Book… So, it would be two aspects of myself… It has been 20 days since I left 18 Mountain View… Haun and Donna.. H.A.D… D.A.H… 1010..20 Days… 20..2O..T.B.O.. Tom Benzian O… Twin Beings Energy Nature…Z IAN John’ The Creators Grace… C.G…37…Sacred Portal 37…Sophia Lauren…Lauderdale Sacred Portal 37 Universal Sensie-U.S..What […]