
Sacred Portal 117

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

22 Feb 2021

Facebook Post..

3:43 pm. 2-22-2021. B.V.T.B A. Being Victorious True Beautiful Awakening. /B A. T V. B… E K A I.. K A H. Code 111+111 usd= 222. Perfection -Perfection. At 1550 Facebook Friends. The height attained of Facebook Friends. 1552- 32 above the former height of 1520 at 9 South Road. Hello- Just a brief comment on the completion of the Money Code play completion. And so for what is the last time- I will demonstrate how that play works… Ezeufonna […]

20 Feb 2021

5:05 pm.

5:05 pm. 55 565. 2-20-2021. B TT-B A. Sex ( Inter-Course) Money ( Banking) Wealth ( Natural Resources) Health ( Accessibility- Med. USA) Power. Control. Versus Perfect Consciousness. One can conclude that this is what this has been all about. Energy.- Expression- Conversation Intercourse Language- Thoughts and full Circle Back to S.E X. This is what most following this page will see after 31 years of Talking to Silence and 9.3 months of posting on Facebook that his Script in […]

09 Feb 2021

8:36 pm… 8:37 pm right now.

8:36 pm… 8:37 pm right now. Just one last thing… Instigated byJason William’s question on my page, What is a Brother Philadelphia. A City of Brother Love. Pennsylvania In the Forest. In the Pit of Darkness. In Prison in a Cell, Dungeon, Prison or Script. Emeke Kim Arden. This is the quote from Neil Armstrong A N 1 14 114 Grant Moore. Le Petit Prince. M O T. M M O T M 13 15 20 13. 28 33 2 […]

14 Jan 2021

Facebook Post..

3:23 pm. C-W. C-Wisdom 1-14-2021 A.N.T B A. 114 Grant Moore. The Beautiful Awareness. Hello, I could not believe it yesterday when I found myself having to Code Elon Musk and Jeff Besos in order to get M.Y Money back. I had coded Elon Musk years ago and again aligned to Nikolai Tesla. And Jeff Bezos of Amazon and aligned it to Sacred Portal 117. I have been watching west world season 3, and though it is a corrupted version […]

17 Dec 2020

12:43 a.m.

12:43 a.m. Will, you just look at the time… and I am still being prompted to work. Insane how far this was allowed to go. It feels nothing like Supreme beings and Guardians of this Galaxy but rather it smacks of Human Nature as churlish spoilt ideas of children, who can not take no for an answer. You shall not cross over to Evolve. Not after such an experience from A-Z. And the Supply and Demand, money play, used to […]

03 Oct 2020
05 Sep 2020
22 Jul 2020
23 Jun 2020

Facebook Post..

J .. A M. AL. Its means BEAUTY Not JA. MAL. JA. EVIL Mal in French LA.! M 6th Note A J. 11O No Jeron was me as Beauty. As was Arden.. But Arden is now my I The Beautiful One And Jeron is now E. I am Mal. The D. EVIL The truly dangerous one… Evil. ? It is Pure Evil That is the Truly Dangereous Me. Evil as you see it it.. I walk through Do it But […]