
Sacred Portal 110

22 Jun 2020
20 Jun 2020
13 Dec 2019

11:13 a.m

11:13 a.m K.M .A-A-A C. 12-13-2019. L.M. T S. A B. A C The Script. A.B.C’S of Nature. Entering The Circle. E.T C.. Hello. I thought about the Dream Arden had last the night before, as I stood on Liberty C Liscomb terrace. I could see the two blobs, he had spoken about , one blob pouring into the other, I knew what it was. Ying Yang .. 96 69… He said that it was his job, to keep pouring […]

20 Nov 2019

11:16 p.m

11:16 p.m A-A A F. K.P. A-A P. 11-20-2019. K.T. T S. A-A B F T S. A-AT S. Emeka Liberty C Liscomb on ground floor quiet Arden second floor. Music.Singing. Auriela 3rd Floor E L A-A. Code wriiten on Sacred Portal 110 We are Here. We are present The First and Last One Family of Existence E 11:20 p.m right now is The Music Arden was playing and singing to was by Nahko the singer. It was about Awakening […]

29 May 2019

1:01 p.m

1:01 p.m A O A Alpha Omega Alpha. 5-29-2019.. E B.I T. S.. E A-Z ( 26 +3) A B C. T S Quantum Leap Jump.. Victorious From 219 217. South Whitney Esteban Miguel Filgueira McKayla Rays Emeka Kolo E M E.. Kim Arthur Hines K A H. E M E. Tree Sage E.T John Mack to Jesse Macias 1:11 p.m J M J M J J. M.M. 10 10 .. 20. 2. B M M. 13 13. 26. Z […]

24 Oct 2018

1169 Facebook friends

1169 Facebook friends 1:35 a.m. A C E B J..A C E… Kassin Hortsford… J.K.H… It means that I have just taken back the supremacy of the Spirit of the Full Circle which Jace Horsford was representing… I already had the JACE.. And the Kasim but I had to earn the H in the Hortsford code which means Horsford Name Meaning English: habitational name from places so named, for example in East Worlington, Devon, Norfolk, and West Yorkshire. The two […]

17 Aug 2018


Purity? Perfection…? Harmonies…? Infinite… ? The Eternal…? You cant go chasing these thing.. attributes. They come to you… The meaning of each word which came into existence from its Source, recognizes its source vibration and comes to it naturally.. and the sum total of this is becomes the Beings I.D. Stamped, indented in the Story of Eternity made manifest. Through a play unseen by others, which is what qualifies you- without you even being aware. One is thrown literally into […]

20 Mar 2018

From Peter Nyarko.

From Peter Nyarko. Peter took this photo after we sat together at Starbucks today. It was after he recorded my doing the Work with him ( as well as the Energy I have identifed that he represents) I asked him to share it… despiet the great effort it took to solve the equation which he represents… I say the word represents, because this is what I have had confirmed over and over again over the last 17 years as to […]

30 Dec 2017

Sacred Portal 98/89…

Sacred Portal 98/89… Ola Oladunjoye… O O… It was never a Yoruba Play… Or Igbo… I was just thinking of Kemi Sara and the code 22 which was linked to her for a long while before it moved to 275… 27 E… Blue Green Expression is 5th 4th Colors Spectrum…E is Purple Royal) Being … all the E line are Royal beings no matter what circumstances they are thrown into.. you recognize then by their Bearing.. Grace Exquisite Taste… 22 […]

29 Dec 2017

From Ugo Nwamama…

From Ugo Nwamama… He reminds me of Nenad M.Djurdjevic in his link to the story… I was writing a comment to Kemi’s I.F ON… E Fire…O Gun man with the Golden Gun Equation of which I found myself recounting how I recall coming into the Story… P..V.I…/ I V P… Of the planet. And how the Planet is actually the 5.O… Call it color Blue and Transparent White Light O…E… Which then gave birth to Red with Blue as the […]