
Sacred Portal 106

28 Mar 2023

xSacred Portal Test Post

21 Feb 2017

TU.E..S.DAY… Kill Tue means Kill in French… S.D.A..Y…Male Chromosome….

TU.E..S.DAY… Kill Tue means Kill in French… S.D.A..Y…Male Chromosome…. Begone.. they did try… Correct Equation… T U… T=20, Truh… U=21… Todays Dates… 41… D.A.. Understanding Universe… E… Da Enlightens… S.- 19… Nope the past… S is Splendor… Amit Dhawan.. see meaning… D.. Delta… A.. 5A.. 51… Y.. YES H.U.E.S..A.H! 2 F.E.B…Is B… 2017… T.B.Q…Particle Wave… 37… C.G/G.C…E…Class 82… 10…Jay Livesay Jay Reid 1 O.. Awareness S.P T…O TU.. YOU… E.S… E Spirit D.A..Y…E.E.. E… EEEEEEEEEEEE 3 parts and now in […]

12 Nov 2016

799 Face Book Friends…

799 Face Book Friends… G.I.I… M.W 69… Inverse.. M.W.66… 7 66…. 7:56 p.m. Code 79 Sacred Portal Blue Print of Existence… 9..=I. 7…(43-7) ..Sacred Portal 99…II=I… G.I..I.. How can there be forgiveness if there is not Contrition, none taking personal responsibility, Atonement or A-Tunning…? Just constant Challenge.. Con-Trite…. To Con the Source is Trite… Twisting the Intestines.. Jordan Colon..J.C…Large Intestines… Jose Clara For Adding Clarity to Existence… I am still in Delta Manor bed and it is a Full Moon… […]