
The Creation Story

[His]story of Everything…Beginning with [E]nergy

12 Jan 2021

4:51 PM

4:51 pm. Delta Square Diamond Light. Area 51. Sexual Energy. Sexual Healing. S H. Serenity Hinds. Jeron Lang-U -A.G…E. Jeron means He Sings H S. 1-12-2021. A L T B A. / A B T L -E- A. Hello. I watched a film about SEX MAGIC yesterday, of a man based in Sedona Arizona. It made me sad, I understood the efforts and intention but I kept shaking my head until I finally had to switch it off. My third […]

09 Jan 2021

12:43 PM

12:43 pm 1-9-2021. The Power of Story Telling. T P O S T (The Point O SupremeTransparency T S O P.T ( 2019 O Perfect Timing) Not the Power of Myth or Math Rather, It Is. The Power of Expression as Beautiful Truth. Such has nothing to Prove, Teach, Lecture… It simply IS. Hello. It would be an understatement to point out how much it has been a surprise to me personally, that I found myself, placed in the position […]

07 Jan 2021
01 Jan 2021

7:11 pm,

7:11 pm, 1-1-2021. Hello. To be honest, I don’t know where to begin. So much took place here, but to me personally including a tussle with something I can only describe as a Virus attacking me to take my body away- or prove that it had power of the Body and its organization. B-Org. Beau Borg. Serenity Trinity. Tree and Stephen. Star Trek versus Star Wars. S T- S W. Extra Terrestrials merging with the Naturals and the last effort […]

30 Dec 2020

3:02 PM

3:02 pm. 12-30-2020. Hello. Something strange is happening, I had another dream vision last night. But it wasn’t a vision, it was a visitation. It involved Esteban Miguel Filgueria, Durrek Verrett, and Myself. And something which Durrek did to me 20 years ago while I was sleeping in a space where Krzystof Solek, and his then-fiance Lisa, in abid to cure his then condition. But in the Flash or projection, it was Esteban who was in my position but he […]

27 Dec 2020
25 Dec 2020

7:21 PM

7:21 pm. A Post which began at 3:07 pm Then again at 3:31 pm 12-25-2020. Just Vanished a moment ago- probably the internet … and yes something else. It contained vital knowledge as well as the knowledge of the portal via the 1st color being the 5th Color as Sound out of the Matrix of nature. The knowledge is already known to me, nor am interested in being compelled to take in these interruptions on that which is so ridiculously […]

24 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

10:05 pm. J:OE. S P… Harmony… See the meaning of the name Joseph. And the one who made me play his Son- Song- Sum- Sim-ple-P-La-NET T E N… 11:15 pm K O. A-A O. Alpha Omega…. you can read When I was translating and transforming the last share from my again, 15 31 FaceBook Friend, after solving and reconciling the page, being and code of Patrice Human Torch Meister. Patrician Aristocratic ( Aristotle Alexander ) Noble as the rare, but […]

24 Dec 2020

12/24/2020 19:34 – Facebook Post

2:56 pm. 12-24-2020. Hello… I have a new Facebook Friend, Patrice Human Torch Meister. P H T M. It is easy to understand this code P H ( Poverty Hollow, Perfect Harmony) T M / Micha-el Trahe just sent me a message and moment ago expressing Appreciation and Gratitude for all I have done for his awareness to be Conscious.) T M as most of you know is aligned to Truth Manifests in solid fact for all to see as […]

19 Dec 2020

9:31 PM

9:31 pm I 31 Sacred Portal 31 19-12-2020. L S T T Hidden Figures Meddling. I have tried to post twice today. knowing already that it was a waste of my time. And that this linked to a play moving still with Kim long after it should have been completed. I gave Kim a Code of 31 though I had intended to give him 41 code. L S = 31 Slum Lord. * No BullSitters Beyond This Point. Sabrina… Not […]