
The Creation Story

[His]story of Everything…Beginning with [E]nergy

18 Jul 2014

A.V.E! Ne’ M…O!

A.V.E! Ne’ M…O! Welcome Mother of the Source. Your child Romulus Remus R and R. 36.O speaks July 18. A.H Rest Relax I am here And I will speak for thee. Rome-Room E 7 18. G.R (Golden Retriever Jake Royal) 7 18. Clarity of Rest. I have a new Face Book Friend. Ogonna S Omo Crafts… 173 F.B.Friend if I am correct. Welcome to this End play Weaving into Existence and Consciousness the New Story and the quiet undercover earning […]

16 Jul 2014

Hi we are at 17 2 F.B.Friends.

Hi we are at 17 2 F.B.Friends. Q.B. 17 is the code of the Transformer which we know as Beautiful Death is Truth. Everyone dies and, or Transforns. Death is not the end has been proven in this play. Humanity is in a coded play, a Matrix….proven. We are Evolution Awakening. And All the truths about Energy can not be understood through physical science or Consciousness. The Seed of Humanity and human Existence… Just as the Asteroid which fertlized this […]

10 Jul 2014


Hello, A Movement to Escape… Aylin Sendemir Urkemez…A.S.U…U.S.A. and Banu B. Something is really off about this… are people going to simply watch me go through this, having no where to go, or even place my bags, even after proving the codes and humanities still having the inner vision planted in them along with the Harmony. Is this the play… since the code U.S.A proves we are still in a play.. not real life. Is this the play even after […]

07 Jul 2014

7/7/2014 16:42 – Facebook Post

July 7th. 77. Hello… I am being held hostage. There is no feeling as horrifying as the knowledge that you are being manipulated and controlled in every thing you do… Manuevered, “black mailed” cornered to do the Will of some force which you know really has no right to even exist. As many know, I set up to leave my hosts space today. I had arranged for my bags with Iateaka Lizardo…and was held up bth times. There is no […]

06 Jul 2014


Hello.. July 6. 76 Conversations with Espirits. We were the vessels, pawns who some ( few) became Aware that as a species were being spied upon, set up. And because they rebelled while at the same time investigsted, rose fr being mere pawns on a literal chess board… To become Rookies, Bishops (Guides) Knights in shinning Armour, Queens as Q, and Finally Kings…Fathers and Guardians of a species and of a Truth Beyond. They did not accept the roles given […]

13 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

Nnamdi I.S. Jay C.E. To Cut A Long Story Short. H.I.. H.U.E.’S. (I.E the True Howard Hughes H.H/ H.1.) And Author of 1984.in 1974 ..74..7=G.4=D…O.. G.O.D.E/.E.D.O…G. 74/47… 7O4-5/4O7-5… 7+4=11 4+7=11. 11/11= 4(1)=I. The I Who is 4(1) C.O.D.E/E.D.O..C… 34/43… 3O4-5/5-4O3 7/7..1. The I 4(1) 7(1). The One 47 11(1). I just turned 47. I am for Clarity Clara Star Child sister to me Noni Promise Tree of Life who believed in me. I am four Ultra Violet-see and hearing that […]

04 Feb 2014
29 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

R-era.. Rare Air One of the names of Kimberly is Rare. My host name is A. And the personal friend of his, a he works with and who shares a similar consciousness and memory is called Robert. They have a mutual friend a brilliant theoritical physicists called Lisa… Who work speaks of the 11th dimensions. The last conversation my host told me he and his friend spoke of was how thier friend Lisa work speaks about how to measure Dark […]

24 Jan 2014

City of Ember.

City of Ember. C.O.E. C.E. Cause and Effect. Hello Everybody… The Unfied Field O full Circle is the space around us called Air Energy, Linking us all to Consciousness by the Air Breath Consciousness Da Vide (father of the Emptiness who filled it with O2C) Energy Full… A B C.D.E.F…which enables us to see G ODD Everywhere through H Harmony to I Infinity Full Circle O, that everything was created 1. I am very aware how confusing this concept of […]

23 Jan 2014

Conclusion 15.

Conclusion 15. of the Full Circle. Challenge Competition Covetous Criticize. Duel Duality Distort Demand Discord. No matter how much love,patience Devotion evidence Beauty Manners Charm transparency of Pure Intention.. The Call to Act and Activate the Act Ion has failed completely to move people to action. Despite testimonial to Truth. Which leads us to conclude that only way to activate humanity to motion and response is not love as they suggest but Fear and Consequences.. As Mirrored in Osho Book […]