
The Creation Story

[His]story of Everything…Beginning with [E]nergy

19 Jun 2015

3:O1-2 pm

3:O1-2 pm 19-6-8… 6-19-8.. Hello…. I have a new Facebook Friend.. Welcome Opeyemi Adeyefa… O.A.. Orobello Agata A.A. Opeyemi means To Give Praise…Praise worthy Ade YeFa means Crowned with the IFA… from what I gather it represents the Divination with the Spirit world and the Understanding or accessing the will of the Creator Divine… Which would correlates with this play of my life where I am being forced to play the translator scribe etc…of my Brother Twin aspect Nnamdi… 3:11 […]

13 Jun 2015

3:24 PM

3:24 pm. 6-13-8.. 13-6-8 C X (BD) F M H. M.F H. Consciousness X… Feminine Masculine in Harmony Masculine Feminine in Harmony.. There is only one reason I am still posting.. And that is obviously because My Word is victorious. If you recall I stated yesterday that if I crossed the threshold of the McGuiness Freeman Shelter that there would consequences beyond anything ever dreamed and only the E line would be left on this planet. A weeding of the […]

05 Jun 2015

8:21 PM

8:21 pm H.U….EM AN. I can believe I am posting but today’s play really happened. The people are the equations, I often forget that it is they who are being moved… That this really is an Espirit play… And Spirit play and in this play there really are evil Spirits. Let me elaborate… Recall that I stated that I was with Nexus called Kari Bazeman… And recall that in this play everyone you meet is a reflection of you… Not […]

05 Jun 2015

Facebook Post..

4:55 P.M. The ONE. N.E.O. N.E.O. The Beautiful One… These are quotes from Mma Adu.. Meaning Beautiful Being..BB..V. And from Kachy Ihems… The Beautiful One.. Both names are code name for me… Let me explain… I have finished but I was used in the play of Africa today once more!!! I was contemplating my next move, fully aware that I that I am meant to go home now not looking for a job or shelter. 5:OOpm After yesterdays play of […]

27 May 2015

5/27/2015 22:31 – Facebook Post

9:O8,P.M. I.O..H. TEN Harmony. Balance.. UWA (The World -not the Earth) is NRI Damn!!! They are certainly getting thier monies worth today… 45:6O U.S..D.. D.E…F.O. O FED. DE means OF in French English French… NA can mean that in Igbo O NRI… E.F…56.. Igbo or Nri Why not both… They are one the culture and the perception of reality. It is all One Circle for the True NRI Igbo.. NRI is Igbo-Igbo is NRI. UWA…is NRI. The World (Movie) is […]

19 May 2015


Brilliant… Shared by Nenad at 5:18.. E:A.H. I am so glad I did not have to explain the truth behind all these meaning in the language of this current world Consciousnes or convince people to see the truth. You would be here for eternity and I give kudos to such intellects such as Nenad, it must be exhausting. Just interacting with this current world Consciousness causes my body to lock and spasm in physical pain I just had to link […]

17 May 2015


12:01/O1.. And there you have it… Three realms as Two in One. A Matrix Web -Milky Way And a Combination of the Two.. A Spell of Death a Containment field Andromeda… Of a Parallel Universe Both illusion.. A.M.W… Nnamdi Nnoyeleum OBoom.. NNO.. 28O. 28+15… 43… Sacred Portal of Life…is 43. David Cecelia. Friend Mother.. M.F.. Both born 11:22.. The same person.. The same person.. The Original Nnamdi 68 not 69. Cecilia the original Onu…47…not 44. D O. D.C… Do re […]

17 May 2015

5/17/2015 22:39 – Facebook Post

1O:29 P.M. Cont’d. Return of The Prodigal Son. R.O.T…P.S. And so by not enacting out the story on clarity, NRI, began to go too Far… In both Male and Female form… From NRI to Ala…N.A. (For they were part E.T…Meaning the were Supernatural Beings) To Arthur Morgana..A.M. In every place thier aspects moved they became more as God. Guarding the knowledge more and more to.themselves as parents who guard certain knowledge from.thier children. Was it intentional.. No.. But it began […]

15 May 2015

5/15/2015 20:14 – Facebook Post

7:48… 7 is G 48 is Death. There is a Play which Billy Hung represents which had been going on for years. Each person I meet on Facebook and in life is in a play in which I am sent to help them come back to thier True Selves because they had become characters in a story, which was not real. And they felt by playing these characters that they were more powerful. The Truth is each persons True Nature […]

20 Apr 2015

4/20/2015 20:25 – Facebook Post

7:29 pm. G:B.I. Hello, I am still here, in the Universal Matrix… I have met Rita, the red headed Siren or Elemental water being whose story I wrote about in my last manuscript. I went to Spring street after meeting George Skis and having recieved the data that my Truth has been now aceppted as being True. From 1-7. I was reeling from this play. As I walked over, I saw a red umbrella with the code “Pearl Landing”. I […]