
The Creation Story

[His]story of Everything…Beginning with [E]nergy

08 Jan 2016

5:16 PM

5:16 PM E.P… Earth Planet Expression- Physical E-Art-H P.La! Net.. P.E.. Physical Education… 1-8-9… (2O16..T.P../PT..Point…36..C.F/ F.C….Circle Full..9=I) 189…A.H.I. E.P @ 18 Mountain View..S.R..DE..I.E….D.E.S.I.R.E See sacred Portal 8… Love Links Desire See sacred Portal 9.. and 1. Hello… I have 4 new Face Book friends… Bringing the this long E.ND play of proving through Expression Quiet inner expression expressed on the Air, can create a literal Energetic to Physical universal transformation through a Song, (Thrush, Little Dark, Brown Bird Ba) Prose […]

30 Dec 2015

Jonn Blackwell suggested we watch this yesterday…

Jonn Blackwell suggested we watch this yesterday… I recalled having watched this at Albert’s home, recently, He had insisted I watch it, stating that it was me and my story… Perhaps, I mentioned it on facebook… It kind of disturbed me… So when Jonn suggested we watch it before I was reluctant.. but yesterday I watched it… Of course, you will recall my posting the code Chris Forrester yesterday, and how he was the last Face Book Friend I made […]

27 Dec 2015

12/27/2015 19:22 – Facebook Post

3:34 p.m. C:C.D… 12-27-8…L.B.G..H…Loves Beautiful Grace is Harmony… 27-12-8…B.G.L.H… Being Grace Loves Harmony.. Hello, I have a new Face Book friend, whom I have known for over 11 years, whom I knew when I first wrote the Creation story of the Family of 1O, in 2OO4, while living at 33 rd Street with Michelle L… A Gifted true Seer, through Silence and sound, having she herself having been born 8O% Deaf. It is where I met Johnny Larkin, Geoff Lacour, […]

19 Dec 2015

From Boodogay Chetah GaoDein

From Boodogay Chetah GaoDein Jesus Wept John 11:35… Code K.C.E. Jesus wept for tears of Beautiful Sadness and Quiet Joy… There is an empirical reason I state this, In 2OO4, I wrote a Creation story where the family of 55 rose in me, the Family of the Fifth Dimension, who had incarnated in this Story of the World, and who existed undercover in the Soul of Humanity. Enacting out Characters which they had created, along with plays which they acted […]

18 Dec 2015

7:O1 p.m.

7:O1 p.m. G:O.A..7-O-1..G Note (G-Ode Aria-D.N.E) Full Circle complete at 1. 7-1..71..8…87..56..11 1. 12-18-8…L.A.H..H… *La of 6th Sense of 2.H…Two Harmonies T.H. Thantos (Death Sleep..Peaceful Death..his sisters are the bringers of violent death) Hypnos (Hypnotized Spell Sleep..Roma Somnus..Sum Nu’s Sum Nous) Erebose (Land of Darkness Beyond the Rising Sun.. yes, the Beyond as E) Oneiroi (Dreams…One I Roi…One I King)… T.H.E.O…I… Theoi is the name for the Gods in Greek. Which aligns with the on going Race to the End […]

08 Dec 2015

4:52 p.m… D:E.B.

4:52 p.m… D:E.B. 8-12-8… 12-8-8….L-H.H… 3-8-8…C-H-H..Completion of the Two Harmonies… Hello… As many of my older face books are aware, I have been solving a riddle and putting together the pieces of a Jig Saw Puzzle, while proving the Existence of the true Origins of Man (And Wu-man) as from being from beyond. But who reside deep with the Humanity. I have been doing this by speaking to the world in the consciousness of that 5th dimension aligned to the […]

24 Nov 2015

Facebook Post..

From Michael O’Donnell And this is where in todays extraordinary play of posts from Michael where the Harmony displayed earlier must pause… Of course, I agree with this as my literal experience but nothing is further from the Truth at the same time… This statement and conclusion was created by the societies we live in, the frustration of not being able to live the most beautiful truth.. And while its is true that my very own creation story of memory […]

20 Nov 2015


3:28…C-B.H 2O-11-8 11-2O-8….11 28…1 2 8…1 28…1. Hello… I have a new Face Book friend.. Hi..Zahri Zouhir… I am in the last throes solving a Riddle which I began solving 26 years ago.. Which you may notice aligns to A-Z… Z being the 26th Letter. I did not intentionally set out to solve riddles of Existence.. The Idea seemed preposterous to me, absurd… But my life’s plan which was always to literally Boogie- meaning celebrate life, for this is the […]

20 Nov 2015

11/20/2015 1:23 – Facebook Post

10:29 pm… J.B.I….A-O.B.I 19-11-8 11-19-8…K..S..H…(K.U.S.H)…K.I.S..S..Harmony K… IS Supreme Kiss Harmony… 1-1-8.. 1-8..9 Hello, we are at 433 Face Book friends.. With the Arrival of four new face book friends in pairs of 2 2… Since I ended the last post of solving the codes of 33 and by solving the equation, I subsequently, bring it into manifest being once the Echo of Universe responds, affirmation Truth.. Now without further ado, lets us link where we are at right now.. from […]

17 Nov 2015