
The Creation Story

[His]story of Everything…Beginning with [E]nergy

17 Sep 2021

12:26 pm – Ah, itt just turned

12:26 pm Ah, itt just turned to 12:27 a.m in perfect timing to the Point of this Story in Kim Arthur Hinds Jr HindS-IGHT. ( HINDS. I.G H.T. 9-7-20. As 20 20 Vision, Perfect Vision. * Yes, I still have two Twenties USD Bills in my Wallet from the 300 USD shared Equally with all 3 of us here present. 100 USD Each. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr proved his with the 22257… Post. Out of that 100 USD = I […]

26 Aug 2021

4:21 pm4:22 pm. – D U – D.V. – D-BB.

4:21 pm4:22 pm. D U D.V. D-BB. DD U V. H.UV Ulta Violet Letter R. R.E-A.D. Y. 8-26-2020=1, 2021-41-5. H-Z-A-E. I-B.F.A-E. Hello, I almost wept from sheer exhaustion, from the pressure of these last 10 months, 21 including 900 South Road, and solving the last play of the Beautiful Ancestors of Africa Pangea and the True Story of First Contact. 4:26 pm. I woke drained and tired, the heat is stifling today, and I had been up coding all night. […]

17 Jul 2021

9:45 pm. – I just received inte

9:45 pm. I just received intel. The rage in me today, is that I was incredulous, that I would have to ask at this point for yet another money code. It has kept me awake, right to last night that I would be pushed and provoked to such a place. To have to ask. Do you recall the cardboard which I saif looked like either Jeron or Esteban? It turned out to be Jeron. The next day, to my incredulity […]

06 Jul 2021

2:42 pm. – 7-6- 2020…1 – So we

2:42 pm. 7-6- 2020…1 So we are still in the story… 242 for 7 6. Yesterday it was Aurelia You can see it from the three images Kim Arthur Hinds Jr posted on my page. It is an echo reflection of the story, I have written, Lived out again in front of you, and been confirmed over and over again for the first years on Facebook till I reached my 64th Portal. Why is Kim Arthur Hinds Jr seeing this […]

27 Jun 2021

3:14 pm. – * Pi. – C-N. – C- A.D. –

3:14 pm. * Pi. C-N. C- A.D. 16 42 Facebook Friends. Meaning of Existence 42. Liberty the last line to complete the play of The Chosen Ones.’ The Elect sent a message yesterday at 6:42 pm. End of the story. 24= 6. 42= 6. 66. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr door. Today is the Resurrection of those who pass through Absolute Zero by being not Z but 2 6. 8 26 8. By their Best Friend Harmony. and then being aware […]

27 Jun 2021

12:58 pm. – Why am I so pissed

12:58 pm. Why am I so pissed of with the Human Species. I told a Story. A True Story which people recognized from the very beginning when I first found myself taking to the Streets of New York and to tell The Story of the Family of TEN. It was 2003 when I found myself telling the story. I was not what I came to do in New York But when I was moved to tell this story on the […]

25 Jun 2021

4:39 pm. – D:C.I. – 6-25-2020- 1

4:39 pm. D:C.I. 6-25-2020- 1. F-Y. TT is Being Aware. Hello. So here we are at 16 39 Facebook friends. with the arrival of Noor Noori as my 16 39 Facebook Friend. A.FC I. Yes, confirmed by Kim Arthur Hinds Jr A F C I. E F C I. Before I go on, I would like to stress that this is a script that I have been following and decoding for 9.5 years- 9.6 years publicly. And 20.3 years in […]

23 Jun 2021

* From Kasper Lomholdt Serup – p

* From Kasper Lomholdt Serup perfect … Hersey Gossip. / P I.. SS * See sacred portal the two Beings representing the Two sides of the Isosceles Triangle – are pissing in sacred portal 45″ P is Perfection/ Plan-E..T/ Planet…Truth =Transparency… O.G… Y E S… R E… H…Harmony… P.Y.. Planet is the Y… Tongue of the Serpent Dragon Z Portal… H G.. 8 7… MW87.. Milky Way Classification code by NASA… Yes Kyle Murphy he is the one I was […]

02 Jun 2021

2:55pm – 2:56 pm right now. – 6-2

2:55pm 2:56 pm right now. 6-2-2020-1. Elf King. Eden Paradise. Wilderness School. True Nature. Sacred Portal 87. Laura Walsh & Alicia Norris. L.W & A N. Merge. L A W. N. LAW of Nature. Hello. I woke up… well I got up since I don’t really sleep, I rest and when I rest- I am invaded by thoughts moving through me, but most of all, I am plagued with being made to examine in detail in excruciating detail the Truth […]

27 May 2021

5:07 pm. – 57. – 567 – 5-27-2020-1.

5:07 pm. 57. 567 5-27-2020-1… 21. Yes- the day I left here exactly two years ago to Freeman Avenue. It also represents a Planet and a Universe -Peoples as Individuals leaving the Universal Simulation as Death. 5:11 pm, E K, E AA Like death, you can see the play of AMC- O theater production on my page. I received two messages One from Haris Babic A Photo strip speaking so much like Nnamdi Harmony I.. he made a joke about […]