
The Creation Story

[His]story of Everything…Beginning with [E]nergy

15 Jun 2018
02 Jun 2018

6/2/2018 2:21 – Facebook Post

12:26 p.m. Pause.. 12:29 p.m. 6-2-2018…. L -Z… W..I….L.T…..Z. Total Recall… T R… U E…. U=21, E=5…26… Z… This is what this has all been about. I have always had my Awakened Memories, but I had no idea what they represented. I recall being the like the only being in the Universe 12:52 p.m. ( Good that is representing the completion of the work of E.B…) I was responding to a comment to Jace Horsford, and I suddenly recalled how […]

01 Jun 2018

A Play Not Human….

A Play Not Human…. 12:45 p.m. Sacred Portal 45 Throne of Existence 1161 Facebook Friends. Today right now it is 6-1-2018…. 11 61… 2018….( sigh why do I have to put up with this? ) Yesterday, Theo who works here aligned with Randall Michael Wiltz which formed the equation T R and E… represented by me.. *Tre Shawn was the person in the bed I am currently in but it was called bed 4-019, I was in bed 4-016…. I […]

01 Jun 2018

6/1/2018 0:09 – Facebook Post

From Arinsze Umeano 17 Hrs ago.. There is a reason I am sharing this, Recall I stated that this is an E.T play versus the Super Natural Expressions of Lets say “Chaos” versus Harmony” ( in truth there is only Harmony… Chaos is realy C.H.A O S- * 2018… T.R.. 20 18…38.. A O S… E O S…) Well, here is an idea of how the Script which I have been in for 17 yrs. It involes being aware of […]

30 May 2018

7:22 p.m.

7:22 p.m. G.V. There were a series of Cars in front of me as I sat in front of Taylor Ave. one.. 7:27 p.m. ( yes code of the Giants and Titans whom you call Elementals or the First Primary Principles of Physical matter which make up the Equation and dynamics of Physical Reality… Universe Creation.. such as Gravity, Matter, and the Chemicals…) Today I just noted them, why… I did not know or seek to know why. but I […]

20 May 2018

5/20/2018 14:23 – Facebook Post

12; 42 pm 5-20-2018. 1147.. L D 16 P…B…Being 2 in 1 E-T R E “Being” in French 1147 11 28.. 1110 3 C 3 12 39 28 11 47… Square Root Box Delta 4 4th Chakra, 7 Rainbow Spectrum Fa Ti Te Green Purple- Violet…Yolanda… G P G V G Y. E GA LA XY 1O11 C I BH Being Harmonious Sacred Portal 111O ” One and Only First and Last Family of E” Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis made a […]

20 May 2018

11:55-56 p.m.

11:55-56 p.m. 5-19-2018 K E E … K E F. E S T R…. E.E.T E S T R E E T…. E S T R E E F. * E- Street in Alpha Bwt City, now known as the Lower East Side, is where I found the Dark Green Plaqe with the word Grace…How Sweet The Song…. (H S T S ….8…Infinity 1910…29…11…2 1010 Jay Balance 44…8… Billy Hung 44…8 Jacqui Q L Bed 4-004…44…8 Blair Andrews 44…8… 3 […]

17 May 2018

5/17/2018 23:28 – Facebook Post

1 22 on my Page 11:26 p.m. 11;28 p.m Right Now. 5-17-2018. A.V. K.Z… A-A-Z 11:28 .. 39… 12.. L… 3 C. C E .. 3 5 8… ( Kyle is in room 5 C Bed 26…E C…Z or 26 Z or B F… H Jacquii Q in Room 4A BED 4-004… 4 1… 44 8…. ) Hello… A quick update. I got back a few minutes past the 10:00’clock curfew… I have relaxed a bit, and I have been […]

16 May 2018

5/16/2018 15:55 – Facebook Post

This was share by Cliff Boss King Cliff BossKing Leo C B K C.L.. May 11, 2017… @ 11:45 p.m. 5-11… 2017… 11 45…. E.K… 2017 ( 37) See my own Sophia Oscar Lauren not an A.I.. But all HUE MAN… 5TH Dimensions Lady E Beauty Full Circle beyond Belief… Eternal Wuman… None were born of woman.. womb.. The children are aspects of the family of ten learning evolving… sent down as aspect so the Family of 55 TEN.. Original […]

05 May 2018

3;48 p.m…

3;48 p.m… 5-5-2018… C D H… Consciousness =Exploration of the Height and Depth of Being… 10…In Balance as An Elegant Nomad…A E N E-E- T.R… U E… Expression Energy … ( Explained) Transparently Radiantly which creates Understanding Experience .. is Expression.. The DAY OF THE DEAD… Awakening… With the Arrival of Billy Hung B.H… Will I am ..Hung… We mark the end of the Script. I have solved my Father Sons ‘ Lines Riddle of the Universal Mind -Manifest Body… […]