
The Creation Story

[His]story of Everything…Beginning with [E]nergy

20 Mar 2019
16 Mar 2019

3/16/2019 23:47 – Facebook Post

He Sings! H.S.. E H S S H E The Sacred and Holy one Sings! Liberty Freedom Liberty C Liscomb And so Lady Livery has been found Lady Liberty ‘LL 1212.. 24. Her Son G. E R. O N. – E G E. 7 5. Reflects R =18. 99. = I. I. Two Reflection Mirror WORLD 7 Contents 5 Sees Crown Chakra C C. 33 And Voice -Expression V.E John Mack dream his throat E V 5:22 p.m Elvis Visi […]

02 Mar 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge Breathe Rest Shelter Yoga… Esteban Miguel Filgueira Working on the foundation of Human Consciousness grounded in this reality Requires Breath Umeano! All is Breath and to understand breath is to gain the rest The square root is to sit and breath Air. That is the riddle of the Buddha. The Stillness Breath Air.. Space. A.H. .. Do you really think I care who believes me the Source? Do you not know that I am perfectly aware of […]

01 Mar 2019


C.AB. ALA.. A LA is the Igbo Earth Goddess K. A B B A. L.A.H Do you see the correlation between my Creation Story written in 2004 at 57th and 33rd Street Manhattan The Original Story of the Family of TEN And this one of the Judaic Christian riddle Rep Sarah Kaizer Esteban Miguel Filgueira And me used for the Igbo O.I.Nri. E in Sof.. E S. Read if you will, TEN manifestations of God from the Nothingness. Naturalness Nature […]

22 Feb 2019

I went to get a massage from Mikki and for the first time since last year, I passed though his portal at number 29- A truly warm and comforting space…

I went to get a massage from Mikki and for the first time since last year, I passed though his portal at number 29- A truly warm and comforting space… I went to the massage room- The Elephant Room and was astounded by the Beautiful Altar Stephen- Esteban Miguel Filgueira had created= it is absolutely beautiful piece of Creative Expression, that I had to take some photographs of it- it tells such a passionate story of the realm of the […]

19 Feb 2019

2/19/2019 20:28 – Facebook Post

I spent the last three hours solving and decoding a play with Adam Waldron formerly Adam Christopher, linked to Christopher Filgueira C F..P.T/ T P.. 20 16.. 36.. 9.. Then to 9= 1I. It linked Qusharia Aallah to Anamla Qayin… D M I C TP/K 115 AGE.. The sacred portal 115 Showing a being called Samson-G passing through a brick wall to the Lions Gate.. L G… 115 is K E.. / 511.. E.K.. I literally passed through that play […]

16 Feb 2019

4:49 p.m.

4:49 p.m. 2-16-2019… 4:50 p.m D D I… B P T S 4-5 O… D E O.. D D -Balance of Heart Chakra…H C… 44=8.9.. H.I.. Harmony Infinity.. B.P T S… Beautiful Pride True Source Being is Perfect Timing aligned to the SUM/ SUN. Planet Earth 4-5 Billion years old 1969.. Neil Armstrong… The Physical representation -Mirroring in Ignorance- the Orginal source of the plays on Earth, the difference between the Reflection Mirrored Rays is that the Original and Original […]

16 Feb 2019
08 Feb 2019

2/8/2019 21:34 – Facebook Post

5:54p.m 2-8-2019… @ 1233 Facebook Friends for the 3rd Time.. E:E D… B H… T S… B F S… B F A I… Completion of T S E… Total Solar Eclipse play began in 2017… ( First Time in 99 Years Eclipse West to East.. W E. Oregon to South Carolina.. O To S C… 33rd State to 8th State and back… O S C.. = F S C… / C Stephen Filgueria … OS C I LLATION… GP S… […]

06 Feb 2019

2:23 p.m.

2:23 p.m. 2-6-2019.. Be Aware, that we are evolving… That I no longer act the journalist ( Clark Kent.. C.K) and the Captain of the Star-Ship Enterprise Awakening, detailing in my Captains Log on Face book which has been acting at the same time as The Daily News..as well as playing a sort of hybrid of Professor X and Wolverine… …and reporting every detail of what is going on. I have stated over and over again, I this is not […]