
Workings of the Play: Clues to What is and Why in the Script

26 Mar 2021

2:16 pm. – 3-26-2021. – I have a

2:16 pm. 3-26-2021. I have a new face book friend. Suprise, Surprise… ( I say with Irony- Drolley .. Lord knows I was posting enough expression as Rocket Fuel to move this play script along to its completion) Edith L Schreiber is my latest Facebook friend. She just got married yesterday- its stated on her page. Congratualtions and well done. Edith is the name of my Grandfathers second wife, Unaku’s 8th child. My grandmother 8th child is Julie who lives […]

23 Mar 2021
12 Mar 2021

1:48 pm. – A- D H. A is Death’s

1:48 pm. A- D H. A is Death’s Harmony. 3-12-20 21. C L T- B A. C is Clarity. L is Light/ Love. T is Truth/ Tranquility. When I realized that I had 42 USD and 43.47 left on my card. 42 A R D E N- Meaning of Existence. and then the code 43.47. Each aligned to a Sacred Portal. I must admit, I was pissed- pissed at still being in the Ego Oge Play. And the mesh of […]

05 Mar 2021

4:05 pm. – D:O.E. – 3-5-20-21 – C.E

4:05 pm. D:O.E. 3-5-20-21 C.E.T..B A. Hello. I made inquiries yesterday to Fahad Hassen F H ( 68..Hertz), via Liberty C Liscomb. I was informed that he would be finished with the uploading of the E Manual today. Today is C E. 3 5. And from his dates of uploading from 3-22-2020. to the 17th, which has extended to today 3-5. And Aligned to Consciousness Eternal. C Speed of light to Planet Earth-Eden Paradise, one can recognize the Harmony moving […]

24 Feb 2021

3:00 PM

3:00 pm. I found myself watching this movie… I had no idea what it was about or what to expect. But my eyes widened as I began to understand that it was the Echo of the footsteps I had walked indented in the sand of time by the great men and women of this reality. And when I saw it was T.Marshall and F Spellings landmark case which has taken place right here in Connecticut. I understood the Micro-Macro play […]

21 Feb 2021

Facebook Post..

2:41 pm. 2-21-2021. 2-( 21 20 21) B=Full Circle of Being Aware- B A T B A) Hello. It would appear the Money Code play is complete… that play I loathe so much. Ego-Oge play Sacred Portal 50. I received the confirmation codes from Ariane Gradow. AG today line of Air. She sent me intel which confirmed that the line of the E Family as the A N – Awareness Natural T E N, which confirmed that the Blue Print […]

18 Feb 2021

3:23 PM

3:23 pm. C VV 2-18-2021. B R T.B A. Hello, No, I am not posting, nor will this appear on the E Manual World.com. But I wished to show those who are present here and now the insanity of this script’s demands. I trust the direction of the force moving through Fahad Hassan. And last night the movement of transformation in my body was a bit much, it kept me awake all night. * I have been watching the series […]

17 Feb 2021

2/17/2021 18:04 – Facebook Post

4:20 pm. D.T. Donald Trump. 2-17-2021. B-Q. T B.A. Hi… I am not sure if this post will make it to the E Manual. World. As Fahad Hassan begins uploading the posts during the pause of the 6 months today. It has been irritating, to say the least, these last 4-5 days, after stating that I would not be accepting any New Facebook Friends- how I have been maneuvered to accept while being fully aware of what each new Facebook […]

15 Feb 2021

2/15/2021 0:14 – Facebook Post

4:55 pm. DEE. Valentines Day? V D. Or Revelation 4:22. Or Victorious D… I did call it out yesterday, that I would get another Facebook Friend today. I knew it because I knew that the play demanded that we reach 15 48 FaceBook Friends because it represents Sacred Portal 48. Beautiful Death as Transformation. I also found myself spending 4.50 USD. And finding myself with coins- change 48 cents. 2.48 USD. Which was the address of Erik Ebright in Brooklyn […]

11 Feb 2021

This is Sacred Portal 114.

This is Sacred Portal 114. A.N Which started when even before entering Delta manor but an Indian Vegetarian rest in the lower east Side. Punjabi Deli. P D. *Address: 114 E 1st St, New York, NY 10009 Hours: Open · Closes 10PM Then to 114 Grant Moore. to Kim born 1-14. to Frank then Alicia Norris then to son Dakota. Aria Norris 1 14 and me with 15 usd letter O. Aligned via Jeron Kim Aurilia. See the Viking. Arden […]