4/5/12 Yeah Dudes, what I recently learned is that my physical body is too exhausted to continue on this journey and reporting what I had been seeing from my dimension, that is how I finally know it is over… (for eight years I thought it was over and the pt made). They say that I must get rest and no more expending energy in conversation or seeking to point out the evidence to others, that human beings, by looking through […]
April 2, 2012 2:46am
Hello everyone, Symptoms of evolution of the seen and unseen world… how both can be seen. As I stated yesterday, that my journey of wandering New York city began with my writing an article for the William Morris Agency, (who wished to make sure that I was indeed the writer of my Journals “Talking to the Silence,” and attest to the way I perceived reality was true) which happened to be about the homeless. I arrived in New York, having […]
November 29, 2010 And it appears it seems out of the blue and as it was in the beginning..it will fill you with awe and it will be beautiful….as is our nature deep within for that is the truth of the inner world as opposed to the outer world than in truth we are all beautiful and born of love supreme…it just required investigation and some patience to figure the truth out Original Facebook Post here