
Workings of the Play: Clues to What is and Why in the Script

25 Sep 2021

Hello. – Stephen Johnson… Kim

Hello. Stephen Johnson… Kim Arthur Hinds Jr… Liberty C I do believe I have found the correct Language and interface to show you how I see you all, and perhaps this is my last effort to wake you up… First, there was the Matrix, and then there was the Truman show, and now this one I just “Happened” upon on “Afdah” -A.D.F.D.Ah- Free Streaming, all in perfect timing. It’s an Evolution of the True Man show, and the play I […]

18 Sep 2021

2:22 pm. – The Play of B.V. – And

2:22 pm. The Play of B.V. And my Mother Cecilia- 42. Via Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and Liberty C Linked to Arden, universal Cock and my Mother line Universal HEN-RI and finally, the Cosmic Being Eros-e Adonis-Afrodite Aphrodite. Liberty L, = Kim, K, L.K/ K.L. I have 23 usd in my walllet. L+K= 23. W-VV. 9-18-5. That was the numeric code “9 18…” on the twenty-dollar money code sent by Liberty from 81 with the code 220 in black ink. […]

04 Sep 2021


EXTINCTION. =133. EVOLUTION= 133. What is the difference between the two waves and frequencies? One = 16 A F- Perfection -1 +3= 4. 4-3. “Door of Life”. 4-3. D.C A.C.C 1-33=1 The A as 1 is constant. Awareness Constantly present even in the play of Duality, 33 moves seamlessly back to One. The Other, 13 3. M.C.G 7. It stops at 7. it can not move through1-33-1 =8. 6:26 pm Evolution TO. H.I. TO- E. Way of Expression T.O- A. […]

03 Sep 2021

10:17 pm. – You can probably se

10:17 pm. You can probably see why I call this Script- Evil and Evil being defined as Selfishness to such an extreme that it creates Negation of the existence of others, as well as of The Truth I have spent years decades being moved by it, correcting it and untangling its knots. And the more I moved through it, forced by its Echo on this world E.M Feild, the more irritated on finding not was knots causing these hold up […]

26 Aug 2021

4:21 pm4:22 pm. – D U – D.V. – D-BB.

4:21 pm4:22 pm. D U D.V. D-BB. DD U V. H.UV Ulta Violet Letter R. R.E-A.D. Y. 8-26-2020=1, 2021-41-5. H-Z-A-E. I-B.F.A-E. Hello, I almost wept from sheer exhaustion, from the pressure of these last 10 months, 21 including 900 South Road, and solving the last play of the Beautiful Ancestors of Africa Pangea and the True Story of First Contact. 4:26 pm. I woke drained and tired, the heat is stifling today, and I had been up coding all night. […]

20 Aug 2021

2:13 a.m. – A quick note to my-

2:13 a.m. A quick note to my-self, There are 7 Pennies on my desktop in front of the photo resembling Liberty with Aurelia’s hair. Which is beside the “Florence E Stem Sch- which looks like a Jeron as a boy which brought Adam Farler Joe Farler. On the extreme Left with the 3 metal Rods, I realized I had set my D.O.M Light blue coffee mug also to the extreme left were there 16 cents, silver- a Dime and a […]

09 Aug 2021

Vol De Mort. V D M. – 5:26 pm. –

Vol De Mort. V D M. 5:26 pm. E-Z. E -B.F… H/I. 8-9-2020- 1-A. 2021.41= 5. E H.I. A. H.I. E. H.I. A-E Hello, I am fully aware of why I saw that I had lost two Facebook friends and was at 1752 which was immediately restored to 17 54. I had had a conversation with Liberty yesterday through messenger, and through our brief messaging and the play of Lies of Omission, I understood the play of this world story […]

03 Aug 2021

6:04 pm. – 64. – F D. Fifth Dimens

6:04 pm. 64. F D. Fifth Dimension. 66 4. The Door Number on Kim Arthur Hinds Jr room door. 8-3-2020-1. 2021=41= 5. Hartford and Harwington Connecticut. A-E. So much about this End Game is about what Liberty and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr represent in the play. From Human Children to Hueman Children Grown Up, to Masculine Feminine. Feminine Masculine and now to Mother Father- Father-Mother. E-MF. F-M.E. Mother of Destruction MOD. / DOM. Death And Devastation DAD. 6:11 pm F […]

02 Aug 2021

8:00 p.m – From Tree Sage – Kim A

8:00 p.m From Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines Hung out with Tree Sage and Serenity.. It was different, quite… There was no urgency in me as I conversed with Kim, to establish the reason we meeting today in the play. It was about the ful circle 69 at 15 Letter O. And I listened as Kim, spoke.. It was all about the Full Circle of understanding the play, this World and all the problems people create out of Nothing. The […]

30 Jul 2021

Th8svhappejedctwice and finall

Th8svhappejedctwice and finally I saw something emerge from the Datkness onto my phone screen I was stunned and tried again And then I stared I knew what I was staring at…. Thevl Character in the play called Terrible Death Not Beautiful Death whim See more and more in the Bathroom miiror. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here