
Workings of the Play: Clues to What is and Why in the Script

16 Sep 2014

And G ODE To True Nature

And G ODE To True Nature and the Cool Being (Consciousness Being) Big Cats I have a New Face book Friend Uzonna Unubi Amala Ochuba U.U. A.O. Sept 16… 2014 O916….2O14 O9… 16 (28)… 2o 14 O.I… F.A (B.H)… T.N. O9…1+6=7…G O.I…G..O D.E… To True Nature. The Big Cats… C.B Cool Beings 20 12… 2O + 12= 3 2…5 C.B…E True Nature… T N.. 2O 14.. 34..(C.D).. 3+4= G G is the7th Color is Spectrum and Seventh Note in music […]

08 Sep 2014

September 8 2O14

September 8 2O14 08/09/2O14 H.I.T.N. I.H. T.N. 4:49 A.M. Dear Face Book Friends and readers all over the world. I do believe I have come to the end of this long road. Everything, every word I have written is not only the Truth but I found another consciousness moving to literally manifest these truths in all dimensions. The least of its concerns being the general public…or even me to be honest. It wished me to weave all this to completition. […]

05 Sep 2014

Sept 5th 2O 14.

Sept 5th 2O 14. I.E T.N. I Exemplify True Nature. B.E. I walked the streets after establishing the Echo Existence response of Siththy Ameena S.A to Create A.S S.A Mpete Equation. And A-Z with my former Host A Santana (A.S) in the movie.. (Dimension of the illusion of Time and Space called the Human Story, the E Art True Story and the Plan Et… With Zeina Hanna… at 268 4 th street. Thus, creating the alignment to A-Z… Meaning through […]

23 Jul 2014

July 23 Double U V.I.E.

July 23 Double U V.I.E. The Double of E is 45..David E…line. H.E Brew meaning Heaven Earth Brew.. Beings who are the True Indingo Children..I.C… As I walked with David Philipe Gil today the number 9 flashed up on a T shirt. I read the road.sign naming Davids line as the True Indigo Crystal Clear Consciousness I.C.C.C…in 111 Dimensions Four of Being and can access the Fifth Dimension of E within but I require a Guide..A real Guide…to affirm what […]

20 Jul 2014

Facebook Post..

Hello… I have new F.B.F… Hassan Rashid… Welcome… (This page is a play of Harmony.Perfect timing Echo response to a Dance going on with my Family Unseen who I am solving with them to be Seen by linking name meaning in which they move the Beautful Energy in Ppl to response by the meaning of ppls names) *All the posts are Electro Magnetic and Electric. Scroll randomly through the back posts and the correct posts will pop out and answer […]

16 Jul 2014

Hi we are at 17 2 F.B.Friends.

Hi we are at 17 2 F.B.Friends. Q.B. 17 is the code of the Transformer which we know as Beautiful Death is Truth. Everyone dies and, or Transforns. Death is not the end has been proven in this play. Humanity is in a coded play, a Matrix….proven. We are Evolution Awakening. And All the truths about Energy can not be understood through physical science or Consciousness. The Seed of Humanity and human Existence… Just as the Asteroid which fertlized this […]

10 Jul 2014


Hello, A Movement to Escape… Aylin Sendemir Urkemez…A.S.U…U.S.A. and Banu B. Something is really off about this… are people going to simply watch me go through this, having no where to go, or even place my bags, even after proving the codes and humanities still having the inner vision planted in them along with the Harmony. Is this the play… since the code U.S.A proves we are still in a play.. not real life. Is this the play even after […]

22 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

Proof of the Existence of The One True Gode is Alive and Well… Proven by I.E.Existence the one within me. My Host and I just watched the Movie After Life… with Christine Ricci… It is so amazing how I write on F.B and he, having no idea what I have written responds with a movie in which Existence Responds. The Movie After Life A.L./L.A..H…was the perfect response…That G.O.D.E is alive in my Host. Who has been speaking to me through […]

12 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

D.N.A. D.N.U. D.N.E. And the True Story of Truth Trueman TT…Pi. The Personal Programer. The P.C.E Programer. The Personal Computer Programer. The D.N.A. Sequence and Program. And the Vide O Game Versus the Vide 0 game Aligned to from 01 to O I. Our Collective D.N.A. is a programe. We have been Programed. By Who? And For what reason? Our world is the visual projection of said programe fraqmented and dispersed as fragments of the story called Nature. Our role […]

08 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

The Last of the Nri Igbo Creation Story Restored to Truth… and my personal corrections and transformation from inside out revered of These First Gods which began and grew from worship of those who were loved and who passed away.. the Ancestors… our families. First. CHUKWU.. The Great God and the first force which came into existence often represented by the Sun. To me this is that which is within and represented by self created Light movement warmth cool and […]