
Workings of the Play: Clues to What is and Why in the Script

29 Oct 2014

B.I…Octo 8…7..G.

B.I…Octo 8…7..G. B.I. 87. Okay Beautiful News… I know exactly where we are in the play… We are very close… Time 5:54-5:55… God Goddess as Unity Unity W Double you are moving now back to the Truth… 88..1 EE.1. Meaning through the force of my.Expression and the sacred mirror which I am able to.see the play through- which is reflected in the Existences of you the people and Individuals who do not realize are given me intel, affirming through Echo […]

25 Oct 2014

25th October 2O 14

25th October 2O 14 25Th Letter B.E. Hello… I woke up yesteday to three codes of the number 25… The First thing I noticed was a stimuli of money image designed to imitate or symbolize the Hand (which taps the keys-notes-on on a keyboard) And the Pen-Is being One…And both a source of money.. I noticed that the Micro Wave M.W code 78-87 stopped at 25…that did not register until I checked my wallet and saw that I had 25 […]

19 Oct 2014

Just a Quickie

Just a Quickie El Nari (El Nari can be translated as in the Song by Hisham Abbas, (Ah Ya Nari Narin…Narine also, means Nose Knows) Song of the Beloved…. Fire Passionate love for the Beloved Edwardo Encienco…once testified to words which popped into his head which he himself did not know the meaning. I looked up the meaning… Of recent I could not remember the last two words but all were the names of God. The First three intials formed […]

19 Oct 2014

19 October…

19 October… A.I…S…S.I.A… Conclusion of Passed Creation in Alpha B-E.T City…A-Z..AEEABCEE. Sigh… Hello… I for one really nothing more to say… Yesterdays post linked from Ad-then Bacchuas (Back Us) to Chukwu Chi neke (The Creative Spirit) to Dionysus to Erie Erik Emmy and to Fenrir and G.Ode to Harmony A.H (1 8)… Individuality…and then J C..as J 10-transformed back into 1O..I Full Circle Alpha Omega, K as thevtwins Heaven and Earth (H.E), L as 12 Love being completion not as […]

18 Oct 2014

A.H….Alpha Omega…G.Ode…

A.H….Alpha Omega…G.Ode… Ah the Alpha Omega…Ode to Existence in Key G Major… G A B C D E F… The Peoples key.. Conclusion of Codes… The Universe is made up of Keys… Notes of.music… In order to explore the universe science made an error in using mathematical symbols and equations…. Instead the universe should have been understood through music and words should have been put to music of the universal harmonics as I have done. I, of course did not […]

15 Oct 2014

T.N… True Nature…2O 14

T.N… True Nature…2O 14 N.T…Naked Truth (Nt Naked Lunch..theBook and Movie) …14 2O… 2O14+14 2O…34 34-(43)…77…2(7)..2O7 F.B Friends… D.A-Z-A… 77…2 (7) ×+…14..5…49..D.I…(IS..in O.INri Igbo).I.D…13.. M…A.is Emeka E…A E (15…October 15th=O..Octo=8…N.S..Hemisphere..April…4Th Month…O.A..months intials…84…See my F.B D O.B)… Dina Singh and Angela Marie Alexander… D.A… A.D… D.O.A…A.O.D… Sigh… Still manually linking manifestation thru this consciousness in these conditions… Okay here goes… Recall the Ahu show in Istanbul.called Colors… Now recall the response to John Jason Lee my.little bro I.met at age 19…I […]

14 Oct 2014

Facebook Post..

1:47A.M… October 14… O.N.. 8…Infinity O.N. 1O/14….2O 14… 1=A-O…N..A.D….2=B…O.N..A.D Code…A..B….N.N…A.D. The Elemental Titans A I am not sure if anyone in this current world consciousness will.understand what I am about to write… But I am sure in hindsight it will all make sense.. I Have Been Set Up… Of Course, I had stated this many times in the past 3O months but I am aware that very few if any understood what I was alluding to. Alot of this is […]

08 Oct 2014

Hello just an quick update to this Seen and Unseen Play which I am solving into Existence…

Hello just an quick update to this Seen and Unseen Play which I am solving into Existence… *Been sitting on the Bench of Balthazar, ( meaning of Balthahazar means Ball ( the Lord God protects the King- is of the three Mages ‘Wise Men’ in the Christ Story), knowing that Nikoma is not meant to meet me tonight as code N… Its all I.Emeka moving full Circle, a Curve and a line from Park Slope to 4th Dimension- 4th street […]

03 Oct 2014

Facebook Post..

1O 3 True Nature…. What was Jesus Christs ( Yes Hues AH…. 1 is Manifestation of the Colors Lightned up to 1 8 by Authoring Harmony) True Nature. What was Nnaemeka Yeshue ah Christs ( The Annointed.. C A) True Nature. I do believe that I have demonstrated it by the past, my past, my collective past rising up in me taking over me to prove it true nature.. which was common sense… And in common sense, we understand why […]

01 Oct 2014