
Workings of the Play: Clues to What is and Why in the Script

04 Sep 2018

9/4/2018 21:45 – Facebook Post

7:41-7:42 p.m. 9-4-2018…. 1152 Facebook friends.. – 20.. T… K E B.. B E.K… FREEDOM SONG… Temple of DREAMS Paris 1994. That is the SONG E… And the SONGE… Its a Riddle … R B Rhythm & Blues… O R B….. R E H T O R B…B R O T H E… R… Response =Robert…. Something is strange is going on… I received a message from what I thought was from Susan Otelia Nelson. S O.N… And it turned […]

03 Sep 2018

11:53 p.m.

11:53 p.m. 9-2-2018…. @ 1153 Facebook Friends… From Susan Otelia Nelson @ 10:31 a.m. The chess board was 3 levels high That he built Blue see thru boards and some kind of silver metal that held them stacked but not one of top of other in a straight line they were spread apart over top each other. It was groovy… HH.. 16..P… 7…G… H P.G.. See the Reflection in the Human Childrens World- The Naturals ( not yet tainited by […]

02 Sep 2018

9/2/2018 21:40 – Facebook Post

I have been wondering where this Script will end at… Since peaking at 1172… I have observed like a Pendulum, slowly swinging back and forth, slowing with each post and riddle I solve… Moving pausing at numbers, but instead of the dance of Ascending through this play of yes no, of people coming as Facebook Friends and leaving… which began with about 50 people in 2012 and 6.9 years later seems to have peaked at 1172 and moved into a […]

31 Aug 2018
27 Aug 2018

1:12 a.m.

1:12 a.m. A.L… 1.13 am… A.M. Reality…. Mine is Victorious…. ? Yes… I know.. I always knew… why would I go so far..? I knew that this world was not real. I knew that… but I did not know that that I would spend the rest of my life till this point being the one to prove that it was not real. The experience of it, Yes. But the Actuality of it … No. To be sentenced to proving that […]

26 Aug 2018
25 Aug 2018

8/25/2018 2:00 – Facebook Post

12:46 a.m. 8-25-2018. My Body is going crazy, I feel everthing.. One day what is really taking place within my body will be of interest to all… But that day is not today. And when that Day comes… it will be too late to offer that comfort which comes from understanding “Context” of what makes this Script Intentional… A Horror… Scope. 12:48 p.m When you truly grasp the meaning of the battle it took, and the riddles it took to […]

17 Aug 2018


Purity? Perfection…? Harmonies…? Infinite… ? The Eternal…? You cant go chasing these thing.. attributes. They come to you… The meaning of each word which came into existence from its Source, recognizes its source vibration and comes to it naturally.. and the sum total of this is becomes the Beings I.D. Stamped, indented in the Story of Eternity made manifest. Through a play unseen by others, which is what qualifies you- without you even being aware. One is thrown literally into […]

16 Aug 2018

Facebook Post..

1.22 a.m. A.V. Only Manifestation is Left.. I completed my part of the Bargain .. I have proven the Mission Impossible in this set up and Labyrinth Maze Challenege. I have have proven the supremacy of the Eternals and thier presence and Existence. Have you been following the News? The Humanity is Insane.. But the World, Nature.. Existence Universe.. the Hueman Being and the Human Body is in perfect Harmony… Humanity is a Lie.. Hue Man Being.. Beautiful Truth… H.U..Mann […]

15 Aug 2018

8/15/2018 1:32 – Facebook Post

From Gabriel Binky Signar 1:00 a.m. Never has this statement been more apropos. .. Each evening, I return to this Delta Manor Shelter, the last portal of a mission which began 43 years ago. And 17 in New York. A Mission so improbable and seemingly impossible to fathomn that I was never told about it. – A play to prove the Eteranl Truth and a Family of Extra Terrestrials who had been planted undercover in the Human Sub Conscious – […]