
Workings of the Play: Clues to What is and Why in the Script

06 Oct 2018

One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed…

One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed and many don’t get it. Its about time this energy balanced up. There is many things and religion being another one being exposed. GOVERNMENTS and their industries are being exposed, and of them being health… Listen and listen GOOD. The PURGE is now.The cleansing is NOW. High Vibration is the new Sherrif for SAFETY… Suzanna Maria Emmanuel… Via Dzidula Offiong.. D.O. 4 15… …Smh… Why am […]

02 Oct 2018
28 Sep 2018

12:54 a.m.

12:54 a.m. I reached 1173 Facebook Friends. We moved past 1172 which was the highest point this Play Game Match’ on my page had ever reached in 6.9 years. 117 3.. / 3 711…. 11 73/ 37 11… 84 48….. 12… I was at 12 likes. One year… I am now at 1171 Facebook friends after the BEACH W E EK post Judge… Brett M Kavanaugh versus Christine Blasey Ford… Who is telling the truth… And why is the Truth […]

23 Sep 2018

8:32 p.m.

8:32 p.m. Amazing.. still not at H.E… 8 3+2= 5.. 8 5.. H E… Which is the code for Response with Recognition and I would not be here posting on Face Book, and definitely not still in a shelter… We of course, have reached 5 already, but just as I stated earlier that I am being used. * Mark Bradbury M.B.. Sent me a message after I do not know how long- and asked me to solve the riddle of […]

23 Sep 2018

9/23/2018 19:51 – Facebook Post

From Edward Eceinco. E.E. Link Fritz Venneiq Roger Attaway Edward Eceinco Emeka Kolo… F. R. E.E. Christain Edwin Edwin Dawn Piercy Esther Uzoma….. C D E…. Esther means ‘Star of The Beautiful Way..’ Dawns pierces the way W.A.V.E.S. Of Rich Blessed Friend Lord of Wine and grapes of Intoxication… and wrath. Dionisio Midas Eros E. His Song. The name Edwin means “rich friend”. It comes from the Old English elements “ead” (rich, blessed) and “wine” (friend). 6:19 p.m. F.S… Feelings […]

20 Sep 2018

9/20/2018 21:38 – Facebook Post

The Call… That was the Movie which was playing Last Night when I went into the T.V. Room. . And the movie playing as I worked today was something with the initials S.D… Link Satan Devil… Santana Dharma… Eternal Divine Law… Cause Effect. Which equates mathematically taking the first letters of each word C.E.. numerically 3 5.. = 8… H Constant- Constancy, Consciousness Speed of Light Sol… 5th Note Solfeggio. Trinity as depicted by the symbol Y. E= Eternal.. Expression […]

15 Sep 2018

VO S S… Still Water.

VO S S… Still Water. That is what I saw as I passed by one of the benches on my way to the bench I usually sit at on Taylor Avenue… I picked it up, and in hindsight, I recall a young woman who had swaggered up to me- with the mischevious smile a few days ago. Her name was Joanna, and she told me that she had just come out of prison after 2 years. She commented that the […]

15 Sep 2018

9/15/2018 20:36 – Facebook Post

5:55 p.m. From Susan Otelia Nelson…G..E.. Good Grief… just how far will this demand of me to fix…? Yesterday, when I went with Kyle Murphy ( Robert ) to pick up the Y..B.E code sent my Roger Attaway, R.A… I found a book marker with Snow Flakes.. There were quite a few of them, but the rep reflection of 6th sense in this play linked to my Sister Nnoyelum’s frequency 7-28,… Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon line…and now +Delta portal he was […]

12 Sep 2018


E G OT… T.O… S O N.. G E…. 10:39-40 a.m. 9-12-2018… Hello .. I wanted to honor the play which took place between Kasim and I but instead fond my self responding to an innocent question sent to me by Roger Attaway. Link Roger Dean @ ATT A WAY… A TT.. AW… AY..E. Link Michael Rogers M R… Jude Rogers J R…. * The portal was never R M… I, and the riddle made that very clear. Even the […]

08 Sep 2018

9/8/2018 2:01 – Facebook Post

New York Times Weekend Arts Section II “A Chronicler For The Dawn of an Era” 12:28 a.m. 9-7/8-2018 L:B H… Love is Being in Harmony ( with the Universal play True Nature) I-G/H- T R Hello, The above caption of todays New YorK Times caught my attention. It struck me, of course that this exactlu what I am, and have been doing. Describing what is about to happen before it happens. And in doing so proving that True Naturals Human […]