
Workings of the Play: Clues to What is and Why in the Script

15 Dec 2018

From Christopher Filgueira

From Christopher Filgueira Father and Child… F A C… / C A.F…. Christopher Andrew Filgueria.. F.C… Father Daughter… Christ Line… Literally… C-Consciousness Speed of Light.. C. Trinity in one.. A B.. A 1 B 2… Merge.. Add Joseph…. Means Add.. Joseph Byron Joshua By Water… John The Baptist… Christ means ‘Follower of Christ… Christopher… Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme.. W A V E S … C speed of Light.. C -Waves… of Light.. ( Spectrum Rainbow Trail of a Star […]

15 Dec 2018

This is what my page opened to today.

This is what my page opened to today. Confirmed by the message I received from Alicia Sieferd A.S. yesterday- Stephen Aaron. S.A.. Art Science Science Art of E has landed. Alicia Sieferd sent me a true gift yesterday in every way It was pure, expression of Appreciation, Gratitude and Respect. Because, she is the first person to fully understand the implication of the what I have literally achieved as a Man. The first time in the History of the world […]

12 Dec 2018

From Sarah Kaizer.

From Sarah Kaizer. S.K. Through the code I identify her by her middle name Athena. Sarah means Princes ..Splendor… Athena Minerva. A.M. To Exist is to Be, Humanity has been in the process of becoming . The Code: Completion…. Evolution. C.E. T.P. Peter Bragino Tree Sage. P.T. B.S. 2 19. That is the number and address of the Portal Stephen Filgueira, organized for myself ( representing him in this play of S.E. .Self Expression, Soul Eternity, Source E… Spirit E […]

07 Dec 2018

From Michael Love.

From Michael Love. I would like to confirm this 12-21 code it aligns to my own reading of the echo of the script I am reading and acting in. Yesterday, this literally played out through an person literally mentioning that code – Tree Sage. And with the post and play which took place here with Stephen Filgueira John and McKayla Rays. Closing the Gate. Though the code 12:21 linked to 2012 – 12-21 End of the Mayan Calendar is represented […]

02 Dec 2018

12/2/2018 19:05 – Facebook Post

Sacred portal 7… Portal to Infinity 8.. SP 8…S.P.. 155-8 This is the play which we just completed with it ending in the play of A Challenge to Stephen Filgueiraa line to cross over to Infinity. Kelsie Bissell Kim A H.. Tree Sage. and then with Victoria Jacksona Jackson 7 to 8 likes… “Clarity versus C King Prince Harmony… K P H…” Victorious now… C K P H… Eros declares to Clarity” “And where do you think you are going […]

29 Nov 2018

11/29/2018 16:59 – Facebook Post

Here is the evidence that we are still inside the numbers play of Creations Holographic mind created by Human Expression versus The Eternal Mans Expression Holodeck 3:09 p.m. 39 Juliene Coco and Nur.. Rep C.I. @1193 Facebook friends A-A.. Akil Apollo Davis – Ariana Gradow. Full Circle ( I met a Rachel MacWillians now “Young” when she first moved in with Akil I was there the day she arrived from Colorado.. and there when Ariana Gradow returned to Denver Colorado […]

27 Nov 2018

11/27/2018 1:16 – Facebook Post

From Tree Sage T S… 20 19… 39… C I. 2O 19.. 21 O..C O… Ah! 2 O…2 6… 8.. 10… 1 O.. O = 15th letter… 1 +5 =Sixth Sense F… H.F… 86… 8:06 p.m.. Note. In the play of Victoria Jackson… Victoria in the Feminine Feminine F F.. 6 6. 6… Play… 12 L 3.. C… Completion. Trident NE.. PT.. U N E…N E PT.. Peter Bragino ( 16 2.. 18… Bed 18… ) Kine Tree Sage P […]

26 Nov 2018

From Tree Sage

From Tree Sage The Golden Ratio… Enter the Dragon, align all the projections of who you really are as Ego-Spectrum Rainbow color, to painting a picture of your life in True Color.. a Beautiful True Story which aligns with music and art and which you have broken down into a SCIENCE.. and rebuilt reconstructed into the truth of who you are… After Smashing all the Mirrors, of what others defined you as as well as the false ones you created […]

21 Nov 2018

This is sacred portal 13.

This is sacred portal 13. 12+1=13. This represents the concept of Manipulation. Using others, especially ones children, to manifest an Agenda which could be pure- say revenge for an injustice, or to help save the Human Race.. all by casting a spell on them. 11:22 a.m ( So we all know now, to whom I am addressing- the principle which went too far… 11 22 is my Mother Cecilia and her male version David) And a spell can be cast […]

20 Nov 2018

Sacred Portal 72…

Sacred Portal 72… G.B… K G B… Green Point Brooklyn… 11 7 2… Face Book Friends where I am right now… I AM A FREE MAN… No Ones Slave.. Nor Do I enslave others with guile Words and then Denial spinning Webs of Deception Manipulation, Threats Rage.. to get my way… I give Choice and Freewill.. To chose even to go out of Existence… which is cool with me, because it means it was not real, Remorse and making amends […]