
Workings of the Play: Clues to What is and Why in the Script

30 Aug 2019

10:47 p.m

10:47 p.m J D G. 8-29-2019. H B.I. T S. Spencer Thomas Twin I Be Harmony – Freedom. H F. 86. 14. N. 5. E. Liberty C Liscomb Twin Liberty Equality. L E. 12 5. 17. Q. 8 H. E H. E8 Hello, I have moved. From Hartford to Harwington. H H. Linked by Newington N H N H.. First before I start, I wished to clear up a code. Libertys code is 76. And Age code 43.. But I […]

16 Aug 2019

9:46 p.m

9:46 p.m Excuse me, I wish to.make something clear which I have stated many times before. My body being released, my Going Home And this Equation E Quantum, but most of all my Solving Father evolved from my Son thriugh Brother ( and now SIster) to Equals- His Riddle Her riddle of the Matrix and Universal Mind. Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze..= H. By getting it correct.. Frees me from this Endless toil of my Life, and frees all of […]

16 Aug 2019

8/16/2019 16:41 – Facebook Post

2:26 p.m 8-16-2019. Hello.. Its Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira birthday. And as most of you know, it is Stephan who invited me to Connecticut. And has honored his word of sponsoring me for 9 months. There is no doubt that it was not easy for him to recognize me deep within as The Truth and yet at the same time have to deal with his own human experiences in which people no.longer trust their inner truth. And despite wishing to […]

12 Aug 2019

9:21 p.m

9:21 p.m I.U.. God Lord! I really would have liked to share or talk to some one about what is going on in my body, the process, the link to the Holgraphic Universe. Yes there is John Mack ( Damned Play Boy… Ah just like me) But his still the Last Actor with Tree SageTree in the Play. I.had to reach John and Kim Arthur Hines They represent the Gate way put Grace and Knowledge Knowing And Gratitude. 9:27 p.m […]

11 Aug 2019
09 Aug 2019
09 Aug 2019

8/9/2019 1:28 – Facebook Post

1:22 a.m Haris.. “Grace… Guardian ” Zlotan Babic Haris Babic Golden Gold.. Graceful Guardian I met Haris with Victoria Jackson H V . Link my Altar. Wolf Dangerous Play.. He is also in the play on my page as a Facebook Friend. I recognized him instantly as well as Zlotan whom I never met.. Z B H B 8 is 9 Infinity 2 2. 4. D Add R 18 yrs. 22 V I D. V. E.. Original Facebook Post URL: […]

07 Aug 2019

12:02 a.m

12:02 a.m Mabel Kaho Atiba Zariah Aliya Karina Carmen Summer Lyla. M.K Z K. S. ( Krzysztof Solek. K S. I S. Staten Island) K I. 9 11. S S. 19 19. Stephen Filgueria . Stephen Johnson Sarah Kaizer) Beautiful, Adored and beloved one. The Perfumed breeze of the Flower of life has made great progress, its perfumed wind and breeze has set sail, * see Sacred portal 34.. Having an Ear, to the walk and progress of the Process […]

05 Aug 2019

Sacred Portal 21

Sacred Portal 21 Knowledge memory still appears to be streaming out from me, amazing things but too late in the play .. Game to share.. Just a mention.. The centee of the Flower of life, its point of Emergence into this realm, was the center of the Flower.. penetrated… First through a truly Immaculate conception through Penetratration of the door to the Other Side now calles the Door of Life. The first form of Woman Vulva Mound Vagina.. She was […]

01 Aug 2019

8:00 p.m

8:00 p.m From Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines Hung out with Tree Sage and Serenity.. It was different, quite… There was no urgency in me as I conversed with Kim, to establish the reason we meeting today in the play. It was about the ful circle 69 at 15 Letter O. And I listened as Kim, spoke.. It was all about the Full Circle of understanding the play, this World and all the problems people create out of Nothing. The […]