
Workings of the Play: Clues to What is and Why in the Script

27 Dec 2020
24 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

10:05 pm. J:OE. S P… Harmony… See the meaning of the name Joseph. And the one who made me play his Son- Song- Sum- Sim-ple-P-La-NET T E N… 11:15 pm K O. A-A O. Alpha Omega…. you can read When I was translating and transforming the last share from my again, 15 31 FaceBook Friend, after solving and reconciling the page, being and code of Patrice Human Torch Meister. Patrician Aristocratic ( Aristotle Alexander ) Noble as the rare, but […]

21 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

.. And yes, that brings me to 15 30 Facebook Friends 15 30 as pairs.= 45. Yes age of the planet Earth, And age code of Jae Sherman 45. And so Earth Jupiter Saturn .. and Pluto are aligned in body and beings as Below as is Above. B A…. C K ( Cc… CC) B A CK OF E K. Jupiter is the biggest of the brood. Despite being mostly gas by bulk, it’s more than 300 times the […]

18 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

7:14 pm G N 12-18-2020. L R. Grace Naturalness. Luca Roca? Left Right Living Room. It is so extraordinary now, the play. Today’s setup involved Kim and me, and the awakening of the Supreme Being and his-her Supreme Body. Recall, we concluded yesterday with the arrival of my 1531 Facebook friend Bessie Spann B S which aligned to this very address 2 17 And two beings and one left standing in the play. E K. E K K A H. […]

15 Dec 2020

12/15/2020 21:29 – Facebook Post

2:18 pm. B.R. B- A.H. We are at the Full circle confirmed hence O B R O. Orb and Bro ( T.H.E.R ) Being of A.H. 12-15-2020. L O TT. Which from yesterday’s conclusion of the codes equated to since I arrived at 219 South Whitney E. V Emeka Victor O V ( 220 USD V O: 15 22 Facebook Friends O V… L as Lucifer Light attained via Lyrical Conversation confirmed and again the play of Victor Emeka… It […]

13 Dec 2020

8:25 PM

8:25 pm. 12-13-2020. Hello. It is easy to read the code above. So there is no need that I translate. It is obvious that we have been in an Enders Game. Highlander play of Immortality. Jet Li ( J L) The One A Childrens game, but E T Childen and they of the Rainbow Spectrum- the bridge to cross over was being able to read thier play. Which in truth like musical chairs and all the games played here, they […]

10 Dec 2020

12/10/2020 21:03 – Facebook Post

Sacrificial Lamb. L. AM B. LA! M.B. 1:29 pm. A B I…AT E 001/ 10-12-2020. J L 2020. Code 22. Hello, Jeron Satya S Lang Liberty C Lisomb came over today at 10:00 am. J L is the date. It was a marvelous meeting with myself Kim, Jeron, and Liberty, but it was also of an indescribable quiet pain to come face to face with how I was used by this force behind this scripted play of the conditions imposed […]

07 Dec 2020

12/7/2020 19:33 – Facebook Post

1:29 pm. 1:30 pm. 7-12-2020. 7-11… 7-3. 6-11… 6 3. There really is no such thing as 12 everything completes at 10 -11 month, 10-11 … 11=1… 2 Beings who align to become 1. 11-1. 11-2. 12= 3. I arrived in the USA on 3-20-2001. And entered the play of the EM Field the next day. 3-21-2001. 3-3-3… 9. The play of 29 street ended 7-22 when I “escaped” the enders game portal of the Slavery play and the play […]

06 Dec 2020

12/6/2020 17:52 – Facebook Post

12:31 pm. 12-24-2020. There was a money play yesterday… 10 moved to 3. And then I saw on a Flash Light I have of Arden’s- the number 300. C x 3 I had placed it on the “BI AT E ( M F, yes link Miguel Figueroa) /001 gifts from Liberty along with the Tunning Fork, a baby mitten in black on it. I can not begin to describe the Frozen and “Phrozen” Fury in me at the work has […]

04 Dec 2020

12/4/2020 16:36 – Facebook Post

12:45 pm. 4-12-2020. D L. Hello… This last supreme effort, has been based on Nature rather than the Matrix of this world. It is about the completion of the alignment of this Planet Earth and Universe, aligned through Perspective, Perception and Perfect to Eternal Eden and Universe Supreme. 45 code above is the 45 billion planet Earth, 4 is Green and 5 is the color Blue. I call it aquamarine, some might call it the color Teal- which when deepened […]