
News Related: Current Events Decoded in the Script

13 Mar 2018

3/13/2018 1:56 – Facebook Post

There is a Storm Coming. Porn Star… P.S. Stormy Daniels… S.D. Stephany Clifford.. S.C… Donald Trump… D.T. Venue: Florida … 27th State… And now my version.. Flip the Scrpt. S.P. Sha-Ron Addison Peter Nyarkô ( Flip J Hendrixs) Sacred Portal – E.O. Perfection Naturalness. Symmetrical Perfection S.D Tiffany SD… Link Tiffany Dawn Haynie Two Storms rep by two Men… Black Panthers… C.B.. and E.K.. And Ororo-Storm Their Daughter Sister Selves the Sum Total of Their Conversation. C.S…Creation Supreme Add ODE […]

21 Feb 2018

2/21/2018 22:43 – Facebook Post

200 28 0 16… B.OO!… Onyebummuo Okeke… O O… 28 Moi (and Armondo.. Mondo.. Monde.. ‘World” Sacred portal 28 “Hermes Victory Victor, Victorious Anus Sun-A-H.. 28:11 88 16 7 13 4” O.. E..Full Circle Symmetrical Perfection 16… The Starbuks I am at is 165457.. See Sacred Portal 16… “Horizon & Dawn.. Let the Sun Son Sum Shine in, Mother of Super Nova’s” P.. Planet. 7 91 32 22 24… 7…G.O D..E…91 Sacred Portal 91 “Ms Manners Ms Hell Fire ” […]

13 Feb 2018

Facebook Post..

9:03 p.m. 2-13-2018. 93… I.C. B.M.T.R… B.M.R… I C … I See the Being of Manifestation is TRUE… 2018. Being Manifest Radiance… B M R/ R M B… The Room in Being. Hello… I have reached the end of just how far I am wiling to go. Last night when I wrote the impassioned equation of Let It Be, and there was the immediate response, I felt that my refining and aligning through post Expression and solving linking everything about […]

30 Jan 2018

Facebook Post..

37 year old Joe Kennedy…. 737 Code from Amoza Born…373… 37-3… 42 00 112… Is it in the true script…. Joe Kennedy… J K… 10 11… E Ga La XY… This is what is playing on the T.V right now… the speech of the state of the Union. In my script, I was not allowed to pass through the portal out of this dimension without first ensuring that If the E Harmony I represent is real and true… that it […]

28 Jan 2018

1/28/2018 14:06 – Facebook Post

From Euphemia Dei E.D…. This I have experienced… And so also is Donald Trump about to experience it with Stormy Daniels….. S D Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Jan 2018

1/21/2018 22:10 – Facebook Post

7:06 p.m. 76… 1-21-2018 38.. 11.. 2 .. 11 1… B A… 2+O+18= 2 O. 1-21-2… 1-21-1 Hello… I could say that I am mystified as to why I am here still posting, but that would not be true. I could also say that I have nothing to post, or link.. and definitely not explain. But of course, there is so much more I could explain and express about being in a different version of the Enders Game… In the […]

15 Jan 2018

This is playing right now at Starbucks..

This is playing right now at Starbucks.. on Man In the Mirror… The Man in the Mirror in this case is the World. And the Reflection .. and responsibility of the entire Human Population, is President Donald Trump, President of the Free World. U.N. I would suggest, especially after the Play of Last Night and Delta Manor Shelter of the Spirit World coming from out from Undercover… ( From the sheer relentless force of my proving them into Existence in […]

12 Jan 2018

9:09 p.m

9:09 p.m 99.. Sacred Portal 99. Victor.. again as Sacred portal 86. 680 usd… 11 22 68… 11 22 47.. David Cecilia… My Mother and my brother…. They tested the line of John Jason Lee.. J J L.. 32… 56 Elgin Avenue Maida Vale.. 18 Mountain View..M.V. Valdrino Meta… V.M/ M V. M V.. MO V E… Movement Exodus… M.V.. M 5.. M.E.. To ME.. To Me…. To Manifest Expression as I know how to do… But first you must […]

12 Jan 2018

6:53 p.m.

6:53 p.m. 7Hello… Joseph Carey J.C. Allen Murray.. Obumneme… my youngest brother. First letters of their names forms an code and informs. J.A…O. C. M.K. J.C… A.M… O.K. My Brother was born…. 5-20-1973. E.T…S.G.C…. Extra Terrestrial South Georgia Cee… Eternal Truth Supreme G-ode of Creation This alludes to South Caro J.A.O… J=10…1=A. 0 is O.. 10=1 O. I have solved this riddle, proven that the Zero 0 does not exist. and that 0 is really the Full Circle. I also […]

12 Jan 2018

Phantom Thread… P.T..

Phantom Thread… P.T.. There is a Phantom of the Opera… Yes I use Opera…. Reynolds Wood Cock… Daniel Day Lewis… D D.L. 44 12. Preseident Trump calls Haiti and other African Countries Shit Holes- A shit hole is a place to defeacte.. to dump.. a Toilet. Starbucks bathroom code 77 45 O. My Last Coffee 6 77…. See sacred portal 77.. Loki. Low Key.. Norwegian Richard whom Joseph Carey knew and met.. through me who spotted him at a cafe […]