
News Related: Current Events Decoded in the Script

26 Jan 2019

1/26/2019 22:56 – Facebook Post

8:35 p.m. Sheesh, my body rising now is killing me, I can not even leave the house…. This, by the way is meant to be good news…Smh.. 1222… Means Completion of 1-12 22=V… Victorious.. I do believe it links to Victoria Jackson public expression and the play with Kelsie Bissell which took part here, and of course Rays McKayla and Isabelle Ilic last play. I have given everybody credit, so that in the near future, when the worlds AMNESIA lifts, […]

15 Jan 2019

1/15/2019 19:18 – Facebook Post

From Olympia Ita 5″57 p.m. World From the 5th Dimension… Origins of Planet Earth.. IT S H E… And Father Nature did the journey through Time, Evolution even through the Illusion as Void and Zero with the Seed.. C Men… Sea Men who would one day make it back to the E realm now the Species named The Beautiful Harmonious expression of Naturalness of Being… E.. In Existence… H U E MAN KIND… 6:00 p.m. Darius Filgeria.. D F.. 4 […]

15 Dec 2018

From Christopher Filgueira

From Christopher Filgueira Father and Child… F A C… / C A.F…. Christopher Andrew Filgueria.. F.C… Father Daughter… Christ Line… Literally… C-Consciousness Speed of Light.. C. Trinity in one.. A B.. A 1 B 2… Merge.. Add Joseph…. Means Add.. Joseph Byron Joshua By Water… John The Baptist… Christ means ‘Follower of Christ… Christopher… Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme.. W A V E S … C speed of Light.. C -Waves… of Light.. ( Spectrum Rainbow Trail of a Star […]

20 Nov 2018

11/20/2018 15:33 – Facebook Post

3:52 p.m. C.E.B. 11-19-2018. 11 19. K S. A-A.S. Hello… 11:26 a.m. K-A-Z. 11:27 a.m. A-A.B.G. 11-20-2018. 11-20-11. K-T-K. 11-28 a.m. My Birth Day. 11:29 a.m. Number linked to StephenFilgueira- it is the code assigned to his home. 29= links to the 13th Astrological Sign. 13 is a Fiull Circle; 1-12 is a year. Jan to Dec. J.D. 1 -12+1=13 January to January J.J. 10 10 20 .T. B.O 2 O O is 15.. 1+5 is 6. 1 is Doe, […]

30 Sep 2018

9/30/2018 21:43 – Facebook Post

6:28 p.m. 9-30-2018… F:H B I C O…T R… Fact Harmony Be… Infinity Consciousness Perfection -Symmetry=Transparent Reflections… Hello…. I realized that I had 1.63 usd with me, not 1.53 usd. The relevance in the game of Numbers, and Perfection as perfect timing determined by this script, is obviously of the utmost importance. Everything seems to be based on the Numbers aligning to the Meaning which I have been tested. After all, Amazon and Apple are now Trillion Dollar companies- 12 […]

09 Sep 2018

Life Is A Riddle.

Life Is A Riddle. LITERALLY… And I have been solving the Riddles of Our.. ( well your Existence) since I have been living since 1988 in only the Eternal Realm and came out with that Open Secret I told no one not even my beloved mother until I left my sisters homes in Queens Park London. And began, finally addressing the Silence about me world and truth in 1989.. 29 Years again, that I fully recollected that I am not […]

08 Sep 2018

9/8/2018 2:01 – Facebook Post

New York Times Weekend Arts Section II “A Chronicler For The Dawn of an Era” 12:28 a.m. 9-7/8-2018 L:B H… Love is Being in Harmony ( with the Universal play True Nature) I-G/H- T R Hello, The above caption of todays New YorK Times caught my attention. It struck me, of course that this exactlu what I am, and have been doing. Describing what is about to happen before it happens. And in doing so proving that True Naturals Human […]

26 Aug 2018

8/26/2018 21:40 – Facebook Post

18 is the number on my page right now, it represents the letter R. I had another conversation with Robert Currin my new room mate, now occupying the bed I was in when I went with Rob Barr to the MET. His expression… The implications… The utter realization… that my Reality R… IS REAL.. 7:06 p.m. 76. Or better still in sunk in to me, that the battle between the Delusion Illusion “Lore” represented by Lorenzo and the combined power […]

16 Aug 2018

8/16/2018 11:10 – Facebook Post

9:46 a.m. 8-16-2018… I.D..F. H P.. T R..UE Hello… I have sought to bring to peoples attention for years the truth. The Truth of a Script that I, as well as all Creation is in. A Script which I do not believe in but which I respected enough to go to the very end. This is a play of evolution- It was set up, and each person here on my Facebook Page and who were my face book friends were […]

16 Aug 2018

Facebook Post..

1.22 a.m. A.V. Only Manifestation is Left.. I completed my part of the Bargain .. I have proven the Mission Impossible in this set up and Labyrinth Maze Challenege. I have have proven the supremacy of the Eternals and thier presence and Existence. Have you been following the News? The Humanity is Insane.. But the World, Nature.. Existence Universe.. the Hueman Being and the Human Body is in perfect Harmony… Humanity is a Lie.. Hue Man Being.. Beautiful Truth… H.U..Mann […]