
News Related: Current Events Decoded in the Script

16 Dec 2016

Just For The Record…

Just For The Record… L.P. Harmony 2:35 pm B.C.E. 16- 12- 36..9 P. L… C.F. I 12-16-2016. 36. 9 L.P C.F I L.P is an Record old Vinyl. LP. Circle Filled… I. E. And so is this post today, Is just for the Record… Addressed not to you the General Public at present… Who I owe no further explanations, But to the Future Present, represented by those in the future who will read this Equation Play after the Evolution Awakening […]

14 Dec 2016

12/14/2016 21:33 – Facebook Post

7:41 p,m. UNPLUG YOURSELVES from this Consciousness… I asked you to send Donations Contributions, I see now in Hindsight (Because By Lord God, I am figuring everything out as I go along day by day….) For your benefit.. For the Code of Anthony… Which means that no matter what you send that it is you acknowledging the Worth of this Expression…. I am sitting by Raoul… at Star Bucks…Which means “The Wolf of Destruction.. That is Nnamdi… code Vincent Nnamdi […]

08 Dec 2016

12/8/2016 22:16 – Facebook Post

From Louise Barbara Smith.. L.B.S…. Extraordinary Eyes… I Accept all Face Book request because the pattern of which what seems as a Random Selection of people choosing or deciding to be my Face Book friends.. (as well as those “Unfriending Me”) -has revealed a Pattern, which through using the Ancient Arts and Science of Gammatra, Divination, Naming things and meaning of things….and my adding Modern Science of Synchroncity, Order Logos, Reason. Convergence and the sum total of Reasonable Knowledge… have […]

22 Nov 2016
16 Nov 2016

11/16/2016 22:26 – Facebook Post

8:33 p.m. Harmony 2013…33….6…9…O…54…9…I Harmony the Two C create when joined 8… and 6… 86 68… Harmony with Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka… E.I.N… We Shall see because as all have witnessed the code of ALL-AH… A.LL..A.H 1-8..Has already been achieved… And yet I am still denied, even with the Confirmation Affirmation by Kerywn Rawles Vincent… Whose response, tears… was the response I was looking for in one who truly “Get It” Who tells Every One, from his Case Worker to the […]

13 Nov 2016


800 8:47 p.m. Contd… Harmony after 4.7 Months on Face Book… And at A.G.E code 47 years… A Geographical Expression was not my mission.. Courtney Prince Panther already confirmed that by having moved with her line, aware as she traveled around the U.S..A and Globe of laying Ley lines of the Blue Print of Existence as Frequencies… Dante;s The Divine Comedy was is the play I was in… D…T..D.C…. Donald Trump D.C… Donald Trump at Washington D.C… Divine Comedy…. C.D.T…Delta… […]

12 Nov 2016

There are obviously many other reasons that I am sharing this post…

There are obviously many other reasons that I am sharing this post… From the Two Men to the Code N.D.T… Nature Donald Trump… To Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka E.I.N…Who lives in the Netherlands.. (B.I.E.N) To the Song of my 3rd Volume of Journals, Talking to the Silence- set in Paris, beginning 1991, called the Eternal Dancer To Anthony Bienke.. B.I.E.N..K.E A.B… To the Code Universe Existence is LITERALLY a Song and Dance… S.A.D… Sad? No..SA! as in A.S.S.A..M’Pete!… Meaning of Astounding […]

09 Nov 2016

11/9/2016 20:00 – Facebook Post

5:11 p.m. E.K… 9-11-9 I.K.I 11-9-9… K.I.I. Contd. Hello, Well, I called Prince Panther back.. I had spoken to him briefly and he had asked me to call him back or I call him. I had such a strong sense of Neo calling from outside the Matrix, after decoding the Riddles of Cause and Effect of the Matrix and its imminent destruction… And to make contact with P.P after I observed that he had contacted me with the correct codes […]

09 Nov 2016

11/9/2016 10:23 – Facebook Post

A Brief note. The Trump Card. The Eternal Ruler….E.R. That is the meaning of Donald. Donald Trump won… Which actually is correct. I reported that Hilary Clinton was to win. This was because this is the code linked in my computer by Erik Ebright and was my the path way of my journey. 383… And yet, I had reported that Donald Trump is the Trump Card over and over again since Mountain View. Donald means the “Universal Ruler…” Which is […]

08 Nov 2016

5:55 P.M.

5:55 P.M. E.E.E 11-8-9… A-AH..I… K.H.I…Kolo Harmony Infinity…. Round Circle… its an ORB!… A Signal in the Sky over the home of the Samurai Ninja line of Day And Night… (D.A.N…I..E.L..BROWN… Da Vinci… Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… Da Enlightens…Da Invinci Codes.. Invisible Invicinable… 8-11-9…. 8-1-9… HA.I. H.A! I. Hai! 6:00 p.m. Ascended Master.. Please Be at Ease…. It is done… I would now like to address you who lurk in the Shadows Graceful Swift Spirits of the Dark Knight my beloved […]