
News Related: Current Events Decoded in the Script

02 Dec 2017

11;56 p.m.

11;56 p.m. 56… 5+6=11. Ivy Huber is my new Face Book Friend born 11-28-92. The U.S.Awareness Memory …is confirming me.. 1992 Paris to New York, New York to Paris… Portal to the Radiant Light confirmed Right Left and Full Circle… Ivy… Meaning of the name Ivy: Taken from the name of the plant, which is an evergreen climbing vine of the ginseng family. The word is derived from the Old English ifig (climber).” Dependent On… ( Not Dependency) Faithfulness… The […]

30 Nov 2017

11/30/2017 1:21 – Facebook Post

Contd.. Mischeif & Mayhem contd…. Chuckle… The room around me has erupted in passionate conversation’… I started it…. Allen Murray, Anthony Awka( Igbo version) and CarltonBussey, all sitting in that alignment, and Myself… A.M… AA C.A.. E.K.. Code of first letters… A.A C E… M.A A K E… I have moved… Mario gave space.. in perfect timing for me to take his place at the computer.. I am sitting beside Darion, who I did not know was the person who […]

28 Nov 2017

Smile… that shook the World and the Earth to its foundation…

Smile… that shook the World and the Earth to its foundation… Made the Entire World Stand Still.. And everything, everyone , grow silent… Mouths dropping open, people falling to their knees, Guns forgotten, Conflicts dissolved Every though action evaporates All ideas of being separate and in Conflict disappear in a blink of an eye… People trembling, Stunned Expression, And then after this most glorious pause where an entire world, planet, peoples suddenly come yo their senses… Nature then rises . […]

28 Nov 2017

10:43 AM

10:43 am. 11-28-10…. Yes, Happy Birthday to me…. Not very Happy..yet. Since I am still torn literally physically between two realityies this one here where I do not exist until My Name is Called.. and the E Ga La Xy 1011 C I… -A Matrix with my body literaly experincing the Glitch’ – believe me it has to be experienced to be believed… Not pleasant… caught in between two Frequencies. A Tug of War… Apparently, ,more expression is required from […]

25 Nov 2017
10 Nov 2017

11/10/2017 1:37 – Facebook Post

Revelations…. contd…. Lets Give Credit where Credit is Due. * Thank you Ria Casey H… I am beyond tired today’s play and mt continued presence here on Face Book and residing at Delta Manor, while doing this work, and each time seeing the confirmation that the Full Circle has been proven as 51-15 E.A-O…A.E As well as 8… Infinity Harmony… 53…5+3=8 O.E. E.C.H.O…E. I know that I have proven beyond any doubt the Truth of not only Harmony but the […]

05 Nov 2017

11:46 p.m.

11:46 p.m. 11-4-10…1O. President Donald Trumps Twitter account was disabled for 11 days… J.D Jonn Delguidce John Dudley J.=10… D= 4.. 101010 represent the Binary system of the Computer and Alogorthim age. 1-9-0 Is the the foundation of the World Economic, Cultural and Financial ( and Moral) system. 1-7-8 is the Spectrum of Color Wave Lengths *Many of the sounds we associate with white noise are actually pink noise, or brown, or green, or blue. In audio engineering, there’s a […]

03 Nov 2017

11:05 p.m.

11:05 p.m. K.O.E. 11-3-10….1O K-C-J… A.O. Hello.. That is the code of what this post is meant to be about.. ….I have no idea what I am going to write, nor do I have any desire to write, but a series of events seamlessly linked to bring me to the computer Screen in Delta Manor… … So, I noticed that there were 3 likes which appeared as I opened my Page and read the comment of Anthony Bienke, Left Right […]

17 Sep 2017
03 Sep 2017

North Korea… N.O…RT…H…E.K..O…R.E.A…E.K.O.H-H-A R.E.A…

North Korea… N.O…RT…H…E.K..O…R.E.A…E.K.O.H-H-A R.E.A… 51… Arizona Amoza Born is off to Arizona, the 48th State… Yes me as Beautiful Death as Transformation… See sacred Portal 48… Code D.H… E Floyd May Weather…E.F..M.W 69… I am Nnamdi… My younger Brother who is was my Spirit N…Naturalness.. Born April 5th 1969… I am 48 years old this year… 48/84… G.L… Phone… Geoff Lacour… G.L… 7 12.. 19…S… 84… 1984… The Switch and the Transformation… I am sitting on the Wood section… I […]