
Emeka’s story as a Man on Earth

02 Jul 2021

I watched this last night. – Em

I watched this last night. Emma Stone ES. Emma Thompson. E T- Thompson means “Twin” Natures. E E- S T/ T S. Kasien Thompson Emma Thompson. Kasien Thompson. E K TT. Mainville Bellefeuille Creuella Deville C Devil E It actually means one who was made to carry the Cruelty of the City, Village, World. I Qualify. I carried it lightly but I carried it. See Sacred Portal 91. And see it now, at 16 47 Sacred Portal 16 with the […]

27 Jun 2021

From Omole Gabriel. – This is w

From Omole Gabriel. This is what I was looking for. Without realizing it. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr gave me a piece today. I was first given this by John Mack. * Palo Santo is often used by Amazonian shamans in sacred plant spirit ceremonies; the rising smoke of the lit sticks is believed to enter the energy field of ritual participants to clear misfortune, negative thoughts, and to chase away evil spirits. Its use reportedly dates back to the Inca […]

23 Jun 2021

1-6 – A F. – Its getting closer a

1-6 A F. Its getting closer and closer… The proof yesterday that Nothing is wrong with me. The Spasms- literally like I am in Guantanamo bay at an Army Facility which I code over and over again while entering the shelter system, then Delta Manor. Delta * instead of Delta H. Sacred Porta; 48. Being a Channel, A Medium. 18 years of this non-stop- It is so debilitating that for years when it first started I was sure I would […]

16 Jun 2021

10:28 pm. – 10:28 pm. – Reign Ma

10:28 pm. 10:28 pm. Reign Maximus Rodriguez Santana. R.M.R.S. R.S. POWER. Date Of Birth. 10-28-2011. =10 10 = 20 1010= 11 So we have completed at Absolute Truth. A.T. S.A.T. Y. A. S M. Stephan M.E- me. Some may call this Mother and Son. Mas SAM. MA-SS.. SS=1= A. AM. I AM. For me personally, it was Sado-Masochism. Marquise De Sade locked in the Dungeons of the Bastille writing his famous treatise of Sex and Libido. **For the 1975 art […]

16 Jun 2021

2:20 pm. – V.O – 6-16… – F P. – He

2:20 pm. V.O 6-16… F P. Hello, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr just came back from an outing- he went through a red door number 22, received his gift, and as he walked out he chortled at how he ran across the two brothers, Justify Greatness and Fox. He had gone to the 1-year-old birthday party of his friend John John’s son, Justice. Trey Romeyrome Then Justify Greatness and Fox. he had also been with Olusanya Bey and J 3. I […]

06 Jun 2021

Did you witness that? – Twice I

Did you witness that? Twice I was meant to have moved to 16 25 Facebook friends. And yet again I am at 16 24. It the last week or more, no one has left the play on my page. Suddenly a pattern in just one day of two leaving after a conversation with Tree Sage Kim and then a post. Is that Negation of 16,16 Facebook friends, and Attained Perfection Below & Above, Above and Below from within. And of […]

27 May 2021

5:07 pm. – 57. – 567 – 5-27-2020-1.

5:07 pm. 57. 567 5-27-2020-1… 21. Yes- the day I left here exactly two years ago to Freeman Avenue. It also represents a Planet and a Universe -Peoples as Individuals leaving the Universal Simulation as Death. 5:11 pm, E K, E AA Like death, you can see the play of AMC- O theater production on my page. I received two messages One from Haris Babic A Photo strip speaking so much like Nnamdi Harmony I.. he made a joke about […]

21 May 2021

From Kamora Herrington. – 3:59

From Kamora Herrington. 3:59 pm. Independence versus Dependency. I. versus D? I D. of the Human, Naturals has been Identified as INFINITY. CONSCIOUSNESS- 175. ** Genesis 17:5, KJV: “Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.” * Genesis 47:9) – a hundred and threescore and fifteen years – i.e. 175 years;” Abraham lived to age 175. GENE’S.P. IS. *Jeans Cap “3301” I S. […]

19 May 2021

2:19 pm. – 2:20 pm right now. – 5

2:19 pm. 2:20 pm right now. 5-19-2021. Poverty & Hollow. P H. 16 8= 88 8= 24 E.M.F. P I.= 16 9= 25. Y Horseshoe Hill. HH. 88 EMEKA KOLO 88. II. 99= 9. II= I. 900 South Road. 576 Horseshoe Hill. 900+576 = 1476 Sacred Portal 14- Sacred Portal 76. AD-GF Arden Delta David- Guide Father. 1+4=5. E 7+6= 13. M. Elon Musk. E M- M.E. / SP 55 “EMME” 5+13= 18 R. Robert. Reflection. 1+8 A.H.! Delta 8 […]

18 May 2021

From Stephen Johnson. – Rep Sup

From Stephen Johnson. Rep Supreme Justice. I am kinda Done and was about to call it a night when I saw this. I decided to investigate not only because of Stephen Johnson what he represents, and the play last night “Allen Ginsberg” AG. And my 15 43 Facebook Friend wearing and Owl and that Motif and meaning from the mosaic rock Owl of Athena on Liberty Arden Gemino Family thresh hold and the story of how she arrived at 900 […]