
Emeka’s story as a Man on Earth

04 Apr 2012

My younger brother was born on Easter and died on Easter…

4/4/12 at 12:22am My younger brother was born on Easter and died on Easter, April 5th which is tomorrow… this is in dedication to his consciousness which was gentle, beautiful and strong. His name is Nnamdi…which means “My father is here!” I know he represents the gentle but strong father we all desire and not the authoritative, bullying father this planet has used as a guide for so long. I feel it is this Energy of father, the true masculine […]

02 Apr 2012

P.S. Nikoma can we meet and talk tomorrow…

P.S. Nikoma can we meet and talk tomorrow, got some news about my body from my “doctor” Lisa yesterday I wish to talk about it with u   Original Post here

29 Mar 2012

Earliest Photo shared of E’s Likeness….

March 29, 2012     Original Facebook Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10151414797005162&set=a.10151414796930162

28 Mar 2012

Symptoms of evolution of the seen and unseen world…

Hello everyone, Symptoms of evolution of the seen and unseen world… how both can be seen. As I stated yesterday, that my journey of wandering New York city began with my writing an article for the William Morris Agency, (who wished to make sure that I was indeed the writer of my Journals “Talking to the Silence,” and attest to the way I perceived reality was true) which happened to be about the homeless. I arrived in New York, having […]

24 Mar 2012

A friend recently responded to my “coming out

March 24, 2012   A friend recently responded to my “coming out in Facebook” with the comment that the new show Touch is my story, only that they used a caucasian boy to represent me. I watched it and was disturbed at just how close to my experience they got (despite the hollywood drama)… And I was touched and shocked at just how well this friend saw me. I do see reality differently, I do see the golden ratio which […]

22 Mar 2012

I am coming out of the closet on FACEBOOK!

March 22, 2012 I am coming out of the closet on FACEBOOK! Something rare and really crazy has been happening to my body and my consciousness for 11 years. I have tried to be brave about it, stoic but I could not escape the fact that no matter how much I tried to down play it, another consciousness has been literally taking over my body, my consciousness, even my life because it is channeling a message through me, with evidence. […]

30 Dec 2011

Oh yeah, “they” say its all about 2012…

Oh yeah, “they” say its all about 2012, begins some really cool story, well we will just have to wait and see. I for one am just glad to be back… now what to do with all this info… anyone got any ideas… let me know… I know most people who know me in New York only know me when I was seeing and speaking from my view from my intergalactic travels from my space ship… Dudes I saw some […]

19 Jun 2011

Whenever I hear from you I think of your voice and its great warmth…

6/19/12  5:16pm Original Comment by E to a reply by Krzysztof Solek: Hello brother man, so nice to hear from you. Whenever I hear from you I think of your voice and its great warmth…and the power of hurt that you rose above. I know that you understand hurt, its true meaning, but I also know that, like the sun, you knew you would always rise to bring light, as I have witnessed by following your work. But you went […]

29 Nov 2010

It is not in the control of man but rather…

It is not in the control of man but rather in the collective memory or blue print of man..indented into his her sub conscious since the very truth of the beginning waiting for it to brought into consciousness then awareness in perfect clarity of understanding and proof..live it and it will be. Original Facebook Post here

16 Nov 2010

Hey everyone please check out…

No time stamp   Hey everyone please check out www.youtube.com\dearmr.presidentnyc\a love letter from Tomkins square park…it was and is part of a documentary which offers a summation and startling though not surprising conclusion to the world at large of the work and path I had been propelled on for the last 22 years- investigating patterns coincidences and the underlying progression of cause and effect…I happened upon these 11 people at the tail end of my journey and I felt they […]