
Emeka’s story as a Man on Earth

13 Aug 2018

Emeka Kolo

Emeka Kolo September 16, 2016 · .. Crowned with Laurels of Grace and Glory. 10;32 a.m. Sacred Portal 32…. EROS-E… Kalli.. E.K. C Scale… C-Note…. C D E…F … B C….E Play Complete.. Incredible… Its like playing Solitaire with the Air… and Minds watching Aware… 10:34 a.m. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

23 Jan 2018

From Emeka Anozie

From Emeka Anozie E.A. See sacred portal 64 see Cranberry Singer and Dolores who died recently age 46 see sacred portal 46 Dolores means Pain Suffering Rahul conquering the Sum Total of Pain and Suffering. A new song the original song Desire Sex Creation Cleaned up. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

20 Jan 2018

From Emeka Morgan…

From Emeka Morgan… Black Lightening… Cress W… C W… C V V…. And then pound then with Fury and never stop but keep them alive in illusion as the Anvil… which the Hammer of Rage so Beautiful that even these Horrors as Woe Man.. pause in Awe… Fury … Ah.. you betray your Source Creator… AH… 6:53 p.m… Elisabeth Clarizio… All.. Let me show you rage and… how you become Eternal Regret… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

25 Feb 2017

For Delta Manor…

For Delta Manor… We returned the Favor… Delta- 4… Dr Ab Justice Doctor Abigail Tyler… A.T….. Realized to 16:9….P.I…. I am I.P…Man… 9:26 p.m I.Z… World Z.. Brad Pitt… 9:27 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

11 Nov 2016

From Emeka Kolo Albums…

From Emeka Kolo Albums… Ah! See the Date I shared it… I was at K.E.W Gardens..Queens.. Near the office of Go Antiques Daniel Maman.. D.M…Delta Manor… Go means 5 in Japanese… April 29th…2013… And it was liked by Lord Ye (Li) and Joe Fisher…Link to Jade Ford.. J.F…J.F… 106…106… 16 16.. Prince Panther.. 16=Letter P.. 32 Bed 3002.. 32…5 Go..JA Pan..ESE.. E.. M. E.. K., A.. KOLO…KALO… And By One other… Today is 11-11-9…. Code on Prince Panther arm was […]

08 Apr 2016

From Emeka Odiamma….

From Emeka Odiamma…. Was I not speaking about this code a moment ago…? ..:) 1-7 O-H…8 Harmony links you naturally to Infinity…I. And so 1 is Red and White since they are the same thing, and White is 8..Oh! and 7 is Violet and White and thus the same thing… 1-7 form a Full circle when linked, or they return to the beginning which has now expanded so never remains that same point yet it is all the same at […]

18 Feb 2016

From Nnaemeka Jude Charles

From Nnaemeka Jude Charles Oi! I am seeing Beautiful Fairy Princess’s everywhere.. I think they are trying to tell us something.. See sacred Portal 87.. And Nasa M87 Star… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

17 Feb 2016

From Fractaling As Emeka Eze

From Fractaling As Emeka Eze FA!..EE.. Childhood the foundation of this Existence can not be found anywhere.. Return Eden, return to Childhood but this time as a full grown man or Wu-man, meaning you are now a Wise Child… 8:46 p.m. In Childhood there is no real concept of Rich or Poor… 8:47 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Sep 2015
15 Feb 2015

From Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna

From Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna Ok … Beloved…I just had to share this. This code Oscar has been following me everywhere as well as Ptah Btah… Here the Code… Pt…AH! BT…AH!!! Point AH….(we are at the point of Ah!!!) Beautiful Truth…AH!!! Oscar…meaning Divine Spear D S. O Supreme Car E /RAC(E) SO!!!! Of the Supreme O Line of the Fifth Note. 5th Element LU C…B.E..SS. ON. And the Academy Award for Best E-Motion Picture goes to…. 11:55 P.N Hey that is […]